In a recent interview with Jesse Kelly, Dr. Naomi Wolf gave an excellent overview of the Pfizer documents released under the court order:
- Pfizer has been committing a massive experiment on the human race with murderous outcomes
- Our governments and the FDA KNEW and hid it
- A month after the rollout Pfizer and the FDA knew that vaccines did not work
- We were not told that mRNA, the lipid nanoparticles, and the Spike protein do not stay in the injection site. Pfizer and the FDA knew that within 48 Hours it goes right into your bloodstream
- The claims that the vaccines were safe and effective for pregnant women were based on a study of 44 French rats, that lasted for 42 days.
- In Canada, in one province, Ontario, they usually have a baseline of five or six dead babies, neonatal deaths… In one three-month period, after the province got heavily vaccinated, 86 babies died
- Pfizer “lost” hundreds of records of adverse effects
And more..