INDIANAPOLIS (LifeSiteNews) — The office of Indiana’s Republican Attorney General Todd Rokita has launched a website to make it easier for Hoosier parents to report instances of ideological indoctrination in their children’s classrooms.
The state’s official Eyes on Education page contains a form residents can fill out to submit complaints complete with pictures or documents if applicable, a link to Indiana’s Parents Bill of Rights spelling out the state’s parental involvement guarantees and options for recourse, as well as links to documentation on relevant policies and objectionable material from numerous state school districts.
“Our kids need to focus on fundamental educational building blocks, not political ideology – either left or right,” the page declares. “Eyes on Education is a platform for students, parents, and educators to submit and view real examples from classrooms across the state. The Office of the Attorney General will follow up on materials submitted to the portal that may violate Indiana law using our investigative tools, including public records requests, and publish findings on the portal as well.”
“Submissions to the portal will be reviewed and published regularly,” the website promises.
The indoctrination of children with left-wing indoctrination on racial and sexual matters has long been a major concern in American public schools, from school libraries to athletic and restroom policy to drag events to classroom materials to even socially “transitioning” troubled children without parental input. The influential American Library Association, currently helmed by a self-described “Marxist lesbian,” opposes denying children access to age-inappropriate materials.
In recent years, the issue has helped fuel a parent backlash that has been credited with Republican gains in states like Florida and Virginia, whose current respective governors have taken leading roles in fighting back.
Last year, Indiana enacted Public Law 248 over unsuccessful objections by the far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The law bans any kind of lessons pertaining to sexuality from pre-kindergarten through third grade and requires parents to be notified if their child requests to be identified by an opposite-sex name, title, or pronoun.