THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO SEE THIS. This is why control of information is so important to them. Think control of Twitter. Think Disinformation Governance Board. They cannot have this information circulating. 2 nuclear superpowers just accused the Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and George Soros of facilitating a scheme to utilize US DoD funds to create biological weapons in Ukraine, funneled through Hunter Biden and Rosemont Seneca through Metabiota, to create the pathogens, and then reap the money from vaccines to fund their political campaigns via Pfizer and Moderna, to further their stranglehold on information and ultimately all human life.
Here is the first page outlining the US plan to utilize drones to facilitate the unleashing of pathogens in aerosol canisters. I was made aware of this via @RedPill78 and John Mark Dougan back in February.