A ‘Freedom of Information’ request alongside an in-depth dive into the only pregnancy/fertility study performed on the Pfizer Covid-19 injection has revealed that Medicine Regulators and Pfizer chose to publicly cover-up alarming abnormalities of the developing foetus and falsely downgraded the actual risk of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy by suppressing documented findings of the clinical data.
These decisions led to medical professionals, who are far too trusting of Medicine Regulators, to wrongly inform pregnant women that the Covid-19 injections are perfectly safe during pregnancy, leading to many pregnant women feeling pressured to get vaccinated.
This fraud and deception has caused at least 4,113 foetal deaths due to Covid-19 vaccination in the USA alone, and a further study shows Covid-19 vaccination actually increases the risk of suffering a miscarriage by at least 1,517%.

According to the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC)) Vaccine Adverse Event Database (VAERS), as of 22nd April 2022, a total of 4,113 foetal deaths have been reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections, 3,209 of which were reported against the Pfizer injection.

The CDC has admitted that just 1 to 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported to VAERS therefore the true figure could be many times worse. But to put these numbers into perspective, there were only 2,239 reported foetal deaths to VAERS in the 30 years prior to the emergency use authorisation of the Covid-19 injections in December of 2020. (Source)
And a further study which can be viewed here, found that the risk of suffering a miscarriage following Covid-19 vaccination is 1,517% higher than the risk of suffering a miscarriage following flu vaccination.
The true risk could however actually be much higher because pregnant women are a target group for Flu vaccination, whereas they are only a small demographic in terms of Covid-19 vaccination so far.
But all of this pain and misery could have been easily avoided. Because it turns out both Pfizer and the Medicine Regulators who granted emergency authorisation for the Covid-19 injections, knew that suitable animal studies hadn’t been performed to determine the safety of the Pfizer vaccine during pregnancy but then falsely downgraded the risk.
They also knew the limited animal study that had been performed displayed a risk of significant harm to the developing foetus, but they actively chose to remove this information from public documents.
The information has come to light thanks to a ‘Freedom of Information (FOI) request made to the Australian Government Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
A document titled ‘Delegate’s Overview and Request for ACV’s Advice‘ that was created on 11th January 2021 was published under the FOI request. Page 30 onwards of the document shows a ‘review of the product information’, and highlights changes that should be made to the ‘Non-clinical evaluation report’ prior to official publication.
The changes were requested to be made by Pfizer prior to the next product information update, and here’s what some of those requested changes were as follows –
The Module 4 evaluator requested Pfizer remove their claim that “Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to reproductive toxicity”.
The Module 4 evaluator told Pfizer that ‘Pregnancy Category B2’ was considered appropriate and requested that they added the following line –
“A combined fertility and developmental toxicity study in rats showed increased occurrence of supernumerary lumbar ribs in fetuses from COMIRNATY- treated female rats”.
But here’s how the official document issued to the general public reads –
The pregnancy category was changed to ‘B1’, no line was included on the increased occurrence of supernumerary lumbar ribs in fetuses, and they instead included the line that was requested to be removed claiming “Animal studies do
not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy…”.
Your most likely wondering what ‘supernumerary lumbar ribs in fetuses’ actually are? And we will get to that, but first let’s concentrate on the pregnancy category.
Pregnancy Category B2, which was considered appropriate b the Module 4 evaluator is given when – “Studies in animals are inadequate or may be lacking, but available data show no evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage.”
Whereas Pregnancy Category B1, which was assigned in the publicly available official document, is given when – “Studies in animals have not shown evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage.”

That’s quite a big difference between the two categories. But the fact that the Module 4 evaluator even thought Pregnancy Category B2 was appropriate is highly questionable when you consider the results of the “inadequate” and extremely small animal study that was performed to evaluate the safety of administering the Pfizer Covid-19 injection during pregnancy.
The actual study can be viewed in full here and is titled ‘Lack of effects on female fertility and prenatal and postnatal offspring development in rats with BNT162b2, a mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine‘.
The study was performed on 42 female Wistar Han rats. Twenty-one were given the Pfizer Covid-19 injection, and 21 were not. The Module 4 evaluator originally requested Pfizer include the line –
“A combined fertility and developmental toxicity study in rats showed increased occurrence of supernumerary lumbar ribs in fetuses from COMIRNATY- treated female rats”.
Here are the results of the study that the evaluator was referring to –
The results of the number of foetuses observed to have supernumerary lumbar ribs in the control group were 3/3 (2.1). But the results of the number of foetuses to have supernumerary lumbar ribs in the vaccinated group were 6/12 (8.3). Therefore on average, the rate of occurrence was 295% higher in the vaccinated group.
Supernumerary ribs also called accessory ribs are an uncommon variant of extra ribs arising most commonly from the cervical or lumbar vertebrae.
So what this study found is evidence of abnormal foetal formation and birth defects caused by the Pfizer Covid-19 injection. So why did Pfizer and the Australian Medicine Regulator not include this in the publically available official document after the Module 4 assessor had asked them to?
But the abnormal findings of the study don’t end there. The ‘pre-implantation loss’ rate in the vaccinated group of rats was double that of the control group, and not only was this information ignored, but no request was made to evaluate it further.
Pre-implantation loss refers to fertilised ova that fail to implant. Therefore, this study suggests that the Pfizer Covid-19 injection reduces the chances of a woman being able to get pregnant. So, therefore, increases the risk of infertility.
Despite scientific evidence proving otherwise, medicine regulators and Pfizer falsely claimed “Animal studies do
not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy”.
Sixty years ago, women were exposed to a new product for morning sickness called thalidomide and it led to at least 10,000 birth malformations. The above findings show that medicine regulators have learned nothing from this tragedy and took an unprecedented risk in their evaluation of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.
That unprecedented risk led to an outrageous campaign of propaganda and lies targeting pregnant women, and pressuring them to take an experimental and unproven treatment. Despite the fact, authorities demand you avoid smoked fish, soft cheese, wet paint, coffee, herbal tea, vitamin supplements, processed junk foods… (the list is endless) when pregnant.
And that outrageous campaign of propaganda and lies has led to thousands of foetal deaths.