Probably the oddest call the poor call centre employee for my Canadian bank will receive today (or this week/month/year).
Me: I’d like to know whether I can transfer from my Canadian account to any bank account in Russia (having heard that foreigners from the UK were able to transfer their funds to a foreign bank operating in Russia), given the sanctions against Russia.
Nice call centre employee: I just checked, unfortunately at this time it is not possible.
Me: Okay, thank you for checking. I’d just like to point out that I as a Canadian citizen cannot receive my own money from my Canadian bank, but Canada is literally arming & backing NAZIs in Ukraine, NAZIs who are killing Ukrainian people.
Poor call centre employee; (nervous laugh of sympathy) I know, I cannot say much on politics here.
Me: I know, I’m sorry, this isn’t directed at you but for the people listening. Canada is literally backing NAZIs in Ukraine. Come to Russia, it’s sane here.