
Dr. Oz Jumps into Pennsylvania Senate Race as Republican — Facebook Jumps into Action and Restricts His Ad Reach and Censors His Content

In early 2020 Dr. Oz bravely spoke out on FOX News about the success he was seeing treating COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. Oz spoke out about Facebook censorship this week. Welcome to our world Dr Oz
Dr. Oz spoke out about Facebook censorship this week. Welcome to our world Dr Oz

Dr. Ox joined Sean Hannity several times on FOX News to discuss possible treatments for the coronavirus.

But the elites and Big Pharma did not want treatments for the disease. It was as if they did not want to see a cheap, effective, and widely available solution to the pandemic?

“Well, I’m Upset” – Dr. Oz Vents After NY Governor Cuomo Shuts Down His Study on Hydroxychloroquine for Early Treatment of Coronavirus (VIDEO)

That didn’t take long at all.

Dr. Oz spoke out about Facebook censorship this week.
Welcome to our world, Dr. Oz!
If you will actually do something to stop this assault on free speech you have our vote.
We are tired of the GOP talkers.

What do you think?

Written by Colin

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