The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) planned to notify state and local authorities about a growing link between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccinations in May 2021, but ultimately did not do so.
According to the CDC, as well as extensive scientific research, all four COVID-19 vaccinations now available or formerly accessible in the United States may induce cardiac inflammation, also known as myocarditis.
The initial spike in myocarditis rates emerged soon after the vaccinations were made available in late 2020.
The Epoch Times obtained a ‘smoking gun’ email that shows the CDC was concerned about myocarditis being one adverse effect of the Covid-19 vaccines.
“CDC drafted an alert on COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis but never sent it, email obtained by The Epoch Times shows,” Zachary Steiber reported.
The Health Alert Network (HAN) is a system that the CDC uses to transmit warnings to federal, state, and local public health authorities and clinicians throughout the country. The CDC states that messaging via the system transmits “vital health information.”
“This is the most recent draft of an alert as discussed. Happy to discuss,” noted Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, the CDC’s top official for equity in COVID-19 data and engagement.
The email subject was “draft alert on myocarditis and mRNA vaccines.”
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are created using modified messenger RNA (mRNA) technology.
Dr. Joel Wallskog, co-chair of the vaccine-injured advocacy group React19, shared his reaction to the disturbing email with the Epoch Times.
“This censorship of a proposed alert in May of 2021 is just one more example of our regulatory agencies’ repeated pattern of behavior to censor any information that serves to counter the narrative that the COVID-19 vaccinations are ’safe and effective,’” Dr. Wallskog said.
The CDC started gathering complaints of post-vaccination myocarditis in January 2021, but either failed to notice or disregarded a safety signal for myocarditis and the mRNA injections the following month, the report noted. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) alco concealed warnings.
In mid-2023, the FDA came under fire for stonewalling information requests from investigators seeking to ascertain whether the agency obfuscated any connection between mRNA Covid vaccines and premature deaths in younger Americans.
Jessica Adams, one researcher with over a decade covering FDA advisory panels, revealed her experience attempting to get critical information from the public health agency.
“While unvaccinated young people during the height of covid received benefit from the vaccine, any benefit from these vaccine boosters is much lower given prior immunity, prior vaccination, and low prevalence – therefore, subclinical myocarditis would represent a threat to the risk/benefit balance that has to be sorted out immediately, prior to fall mandates,” she added.
“Unfortunately, the FDA has denied my request for expedited processing, stating that I did not demonstrate the necessary compelling need,” she noted. “It’s time for the public and the media to demand transparency from the FDA on this issue, which is important to consider before the next vaccine campaign. It’s also an important matter of principle for the FDA to follow-up on PMCs with significant interest to the public and to Public Health.”
Zachary Stieber, a researcher with the Epoch Times, earlier filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the FDA to obtain related information on the medical data transparency issue. Stieber covered the results of the Korean nationwide study for the Times.
“Some sudden deaths were caused by COVID-19 vaccines, autopsies have confirmed,” Stieber noted in a June 6 story. “Eight people who died suddenly after receiving a messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccine died due to a type of vaccine-induced heart inflammation called myocarditis, South Korean authorities said after reviewing the autopsies.”
“Vaccine-related myocarditis was the only possible cause of death,” Dr. Kye Hun Kim of the Chonnam National University Hospital and other South Korean researchers said.
“All of the sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) occurred in people aged 45 or younger, including a 33-year-old man who died just one day after receiving a second dose of Moderna’s vaccine and a 30-year-old woman who died three days after receiving a first dose of Pfizer’s shot,” Steiber continued. “Myocarditis wasn’t suspected as a clinical diagnosis or cause of death before the autopsies, researchers said.”
The reported noted that, “Thirteen other deaths were recorded among those who experienced myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination but no autopsy results were detailed. Some of those who died had received AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine.”
Critically, there was a major spike in heart attack deaths in the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, when mRNA vaccines were introduced.
Data analysis conducted by the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai revealed a significant increase in deaths from heart attacks during pandemic surges, including the COVID-19 Omicron variant. This alarming trend marks a reversal of the previously observed decline in heart attack-related deaths before the pandemic.
Heart attacks were already the leading cause of death globally before the COVID-19 outbreak, but they had been steadily decreasing. However, the October 2022 study, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Virology, indicates a sharp rise in heart attack mortality rates across all age groups during the pandemic.
Key findings from the study include:
- In the year before the pandemic, there were 143,787 heart attack deaths; within the first year of the pandemic, this number had increased by 14% to 164,096.
- The excess in acute myocardial infarction-associated mortality has persisted throughout the pandemic, even during the most recent period marked by a surge of the presumed less-virulent Omicron variant.
- Researchers found that although acute myocardial infarction deaths during the pandemic increased across all age groups, the relative rise was most significant for the youngest group, ages 25 to 44.
- By the second year of the pandemic, the “observed” compared to “predicted” rates of heart attack death had increased by 29.9% for adults ages 25-44, by 19.6% for adults ages 45-64, and by 13.7% for adults age 65 and older.
An Oxford University study earlier showed that the risk of myocarditis is greater from getting ‘vaccinated’ with the mRNA shots than from contracting the virus itself. The study was originally published in Nature Medicine in December 2021.
“This is the largest study to date of acute cardiac outcomes after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination or infection, the first to compare the risk of cardiac events between different vaccine products and SARS-CoV2 infection and the first to investigate the association between cardiac events and the ChAdOx1 vaccine,” the study stated.
“Our findings are relevant to the public, clinicians and policy makers,” the researchers note. “First, there was an increase in the risk of myocarditis within a week of receiving the first dose of both adenovirus and mRNA vaccines, and a higher increased risk after the second dose of both mRNA vaccines.”
Alarmingly, a reanalysis of clinical trial data has found that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines did not have a significant impact on overall mortality. The study, published in the journal Cell, revealed that while the mRNA-based vaccines effectively protected against deaths from COVID-19, vaccinated participants in the trials were more likely to experience cardiovascular-related deaths.
In an undercover video from Project Veritas, a Pfizer senior associate scientist named Chris Croce appears to express concern over the mRNA shots being linked to a form of heart inflammation called myocarditis as early as 2021.
Despite this concern, Pfizer continued to back the “safe and 100% effective” line, even in regards to young persons at miniscule risk from the Covid disease.
“These data confirm the favorable efficacy and safety profile of our vaccine and position us to submit a Biologics License Application to the U.S. FDA,” said Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in an April 2021 release. “The high vaccine efficacy observed through up to six months following a second dose and against the variant prevalent in South Africa provides further confidence in our vaccine’s overall effectiveness.”
In the video, Project Veritas reports that a Pfizer scientist acknowledged that the mRNA Covid shots were being tested for a potential link to myocarditis.
According to the video, Croce states that about 3,000 blood samples from patients were being sent to a laboratory for testing. Harvard Medical School researchers publishing at the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation have since isolated “free spike antigens” in young persons that are being associated with an increased risk of myocarditis.
A potential link between the mRNA shots and myocarditis was established as early as July 2021. This was two months after the above-cited CDC draft email on May 21.
The MMWR report hosted at the National Institutes of Health acknowledged reports of myocarditis and pericarditis in mRNA vaccine recipients. The NIH, however, continued to recommend vaccination for young persons, even for those who had natural immunity from prior infection.
According to a report from the Brownstone Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hid references to COVID-19 vaccines on death certificates in Minnesota, ensuring that fatalities were recorded as something other than vaccine-related. The source of these allegations has chosen to remain anonymous, but has provided copies of Minnesota’s death certificates from 2015 to the present.
The obtained documents in the report appear to show that the CDC has been misleading the public about U.S. death data and vaccine safety. The report asserts that the CDC has engaged in data fraud by omitting the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects in cases where COVID-19 vaccines were identified as a cause of death on the certificates.
The report shows a number of cases where the mRNA vaccine was administered in close proximity to the patient’s cause of death, but the ICD 10 codes were missing for the Covid vaccines on the death certificates. It is unclear how widespread this practice was at the CDC during the pandemic, but a further systematic investigation is warranted, and would be greatly facilitated by Congressional subpoenas and compliance with FOIA requests.