Posted Apr 12, 2024 3:01 pm.
Last Updated Apr 13, 2024 12:37 pm.
Some Calgary city councillors want to give permanent residents the ability to vote during municipal elections.
A notice of motion put forward by Ward 8 Coun. Courtney Walcott calls for change on the matter and is supported by four other members of council.
Walcott argues that many Calgary residents have lived in the city for years, but still can’t have their voices heard come election time.
“You’ll see Canadians, being in this country for years or decades as permanent residents before they are actually able to achieve citizenship,” he says.
“One of the conversations that we are actively having in Calgary is making sure we are giving space to all people who call this city home.”
Walcott says allowing permanent residents the ability to vote in municipal elections will help build community, and give them the opportunity to have a voice.
“The amount of times I’ve ran into people who wanted to be a part of this discussion of building communities, and then told me they couldn’t vote,” he adds.
Meanwhile, Alberta Minister of Municipal Affairs Ric McIver posted on X Saturday saying that “Only citizens of Canada can vote in municipal elections.”
Ward 11 Coun. Kourtney Penner responded, saying the province shouldn’t be “gatekeeping” and notes how permanent residents pay taxes on all forms of government and should have a say.
“Having a say in any of that, not even contemplated. Nothing says gate keeping like being unwilling to even entertain the conversation,” her post reads.
The notice of motion, if approved, would ask the city to put forward a resolution at Alberta Municipalities. The resolution would call for the organization to advocate to the provincial government to make changes to the Local Authorities Election Act to extend voting rights to permanent residents.
Walcott says other communities across the country have talked about making the change.
“Lots of discussion, not a lot of action yet,” he says. “This conversation has been started in a lot of the Atlantic provinces.”
Ward 3 Coun. Jasmine Mian, Ward 5 Coun. Raj Dhaliwal, Ward 7 Coun. Terry Wong and Penner are also in support.
The notice of motion will be discussed at the council meeting next Tuesday.