Note updates at bottom of page
TracyK2017 on twitter has alerted a lot of people today to the fact that the UK Government has a website page with this document that was “updated on 16 August 2022” (although as explained below there do not appear to have been significant changes since March 2021). Tracy notes the following:

The relevant text from the above paragraph (which I can confirm is certainly in the document at the end of Section 3.4) is:
In the context of supply under Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time
Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated.
Katy also notes now that people are pointing out that the document has not in fact been recently updated; apparently the wayback machine shows no changes since March 2021. However, this would make things even worse as it means that the Government officials and the NHS have been recommending pregnant women get the vaccine against the official Government document advice. Also, Katy’s pinned tweet dated 6 May 2022 links to an archived version of a similar but different document. That document DOES NOT HAVE THE SECTION titled ‘Toxicity conclusions’ in it, although it does contain the following statement in Section 4.6:
Administration of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and foetus.
Now compare what we know from above with what Sajid Javid (and many other Government and NHS officials) have been saying:

And look what this Government web page says (screenshot just now at 18:19 on 29 August 2022)

And indeed here is the current advice given to NHS staff:

This all also raises further alarms about the BBC who, in its documentary Unvaccinated had Prof Asma Khalil stating the vaccine was not only safe and effective for all pregnant women but that it ‘reduced the risk of miscarriage by 15%’.
So as of now we have these directly contradictory recommendations on the Government website (screenshots taken at the same time on 29 August 2022):

UPDATE: Viki Male (one of the staunchest advocates for vaccinating pregnant women) has responded to this by arguing that there is no contradiction because the Summary of the Public Assessment Report refers only to the Pfizer report and does not take account of new UK data. When I asked her to confirm when the crucial changes were made to the Summary Report she referred me to this link:
This list of updates does not include the crucial “Toxicity Conclusions” paragraph. However, the very existence of this update list introduces new confusion. Why does the wayback machine insist that the document has never been changed?
UPDATE: A retired healthcare professional has sent me one of the original Government documents issued to UK Healthcare professionals in December 2020 when the Pfizer vaccination programme was beginning. The highlights in the text are those of the person who sent it. Section 4.6 on “Fertility, pregnancy and lactation” states the following: