
Boys For Sale – Child Sex Slavery And The Elite

Boys For Sale - Child Sex Slavery And The Elite
Boys For Sale - Child Sex Slavery And The Elite


Disturbing Public Access Documentary From 1981 That Later Was Proven True … To The Franklin Cover-Op, The Pedo Priests, The Sandusky Fiasco. This Is an Ongoing Theme We See in The Upper Crusts of Our Society Pedophilia with Young Boys Within Major ‘Respectable’ Institutions.

An Enlightening Documentary Broadcast Before the Onset of The So-Called ‘Satanic Panic’ In The USA. This Documentary Therefore Provides Us with Insight into The Actuality of The Situation Before Information Became Skewed by The Subsequent Propaganda and Hysteria of The Late ’80s and ’90s. The Horrific Details as Outlined by Tom Philpott in This Documentary Are Truthfully Reflective of What Was Happening Then, What Continued to Happen Throughout The ‘Satanic Panic’, And What Continues to Happen Today in All of The Major Metropolises of The Western World.

The Year After This Philpott Was Shot At. He Later Reportedly Committed “Suicide”. Mark Mckinney, On the Other Hand, Become a Public Relations Guru for The Bush Family

What do you think?

Written by colinnew

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