Today’s news is a sudden and unexpected plunge in birth rates in Australia.

Birth rates dropped 15% compared to 2021:

Australia’s News.Com.Au has an article about it, and they blame… climate change!
Australian National University demographer Dr Liz Allen said the drop in births was due to a combination of factors, both personal and external – in particular, concerns about housing, cost of living, and climate change. “Climate change has been cited by young people in Australia, and other similar countries, as a major concern and barrier to having children,” Dr Allen told news.com.au.
“The fear of uncertainty owing to growing weather and climate extremes means young people are calling it quits on children citing ethical concerns.”
I am unsure if Dr. Allen realizes or cares that “climate concerns” are anything but new. What is new is the “safe and effective” Covid vaccine forced on young Australian men and women in 2021 and 2022, but I digress.

The real ire of the article is directed at antivaxxers, who are cunningly trying to hijack this story and point out that Covid vaccine is to blame.
Antivaxxers, you see, are the real culprits here! These ignorant, conspiracy-minded, science-denying vaccine skeptics, the newspaper explains, falsely blame Covid vaccines and are saying, “We told you so.”
Her expert analysis was hijacked by anti-vaxxers who falsely claimed Covid vaccines were the reason for the decline. Taking to Twitter, controversial Gold Coast entrepreneur Jamie McIntyre rejected Dr Allen’s analysis that concern for climate change had factored into family planning. McIntyre – a “self-help guru and motivational speaker” – claimed the “dramatic drop off in births” had come “since a certain not so safe, effective, or necessary vaccine was forced upon the elderly, pregnant mums, and even children”.
Australia is not alone – Look at Sweden.
Not many countries report births in a timely manner. Sweden does. Regrettably, Swedish birth rates are also down significantly. Not only are they down, but the 2023 births are much worse than the 2022 births, which were also depressed.

I tabulated this data for you so you can see the decline:

So, both Australia, as well as Sweden are experiencing similar birth declines.
Things have worsened since my last update on plummeting birth rates: