Annabelle Lee died 10 hours after receiving the MMR, DTaP, varicella and half of a Flu shot. Her mother took her shopping afterwards and said she was grouchy.When they returned home she laid her down to relax for the night and watch cartoons.
Her mother’s words…
She was quiet, she was asleep. No sounds except the low sound of the cartoons. No cries, no whines, no groans, no screams, nothing.
Nothing. It was 11 something, I felt in her packnplay at her diaper, it was wet. I picked her up, she was facedown. It all went so wrong so fast. I screamed for her dad. I don’t recall any color even being gone from her face, she didn’t look dead.
I called 911, we gave her cpr. We caused vomit to come up, it was all over us. It was all over me, I still taste it. I will never ever get that taste out of my mouth. I ran outside. Her dad kept giving her cpr. I just laid outside in my driveway and screamed. A cop was trying to get me up, I couldn’t move.
I saw her rushed from the house into an ambulance. She was missing a sock. I was missing a sock. I refuse to think that was just coincidence. We both lost our socks in the commotion.
I remember asking a cop that was at my door while we were waiting on my inlaws to pick us up to go to the hospital if it was bad.
If hed ever seen any baby survive. “It’s bad.”
Shuffled us into this room at childrens, I just pushed myself up against a dresser. The nurse that came in was pregnant, and I was furious. It took forever. It might have only been 5 mins but it took forever for some doctor to come in. They tried to start her heart a few times, with adrenaline I think. It didn’t work. She was gone. Their was nothing they could do.
The first question I asked.
Could shots have killed her? She just got shots.It’s not even been 10 hours since she got the shots, did the shots kill her? What happened!? That doctor lied to my face. Any doctor knows that vaccines can kill people. She didn’t know what had happened in her body, she just said no. She reassured me it wasn’t the shots. Again and again. To be honest, she made me feel stupid for even questioning the shots. Just like many doctors do. Thats the right thing to do, vaccines. The greater good, nothing bad happens, the risk is minimal. Lies,
it’s all just a lie. I didn’t want to see her, I regret it sometimes, but most of the time I know it was right. She was gone, and I didn’t want to remember her like that. I didn’t let anyone else go see her either, I didn’t want ANYONE to see her like that, to have those images. I told my mom she didn’t want to see what I saw. I’ll never really know if my parents went back to see her, I left before they did.
The doctor said her fever was 114 degrees. So within 30 mins she went from normal temperature, alive, to dead with a 114 degree temperature. That’s not Sids.
Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood is what they call it. SIDS for 12mo +. It’s a crapshoot, it’s a catchall. Truthfully, it’s lazy. That is what the coroner told me it was ruled as of that night. So I asked him. Was it the shots? He said, “It’s very suspicious she got shots and died so soon after, but I will not know anything until lab reports and tox screens come back”. He doesn’t recall saying that, but I recall him saying that, perfectly to me.
And she was gone.