Editor’s Note: State by state “activists” are working to normalize pedophilia. The story below discusses the change in law that Connecticut is currently pushing through. The state of Minnesota has already pushed through legislation exactly like what is being discussed below in the article. The language shown here was removed in recent legislation in Minnesota. Be advised as this is sweeping through the country.
See Sarah Westall’s presentation detailing Minnesota’s latest extreme legislation including their movement to normalize pedophilia:
Family Groups and LGBT Activist Uniting Against Bill That Could Make Pedophiles a Protected Class
In an unlikely alliance, Christian family values groups and an LGBT activist have signed a petition against a proposed Connecticut bill they say could make pedophiles a protected sexual minority.
The bill, HB 6638, would revise the language of the state’s anti-discrimination statutes.
The current definition of “sexual orientation” in Connecticut law excludes protections for “any behavior that is a sex offense crime.” An update to the law would remove that wording.

“If Governor [Ned] Lamont signs it, a person who admits they are a pedophile—even if they haven’t acted on it but just admit it—they could just go to an appeal board if they get fired from a job or denied housing near a school,” said transgender activist Christine Rebstock.
The bill would redefine sexual orientation as “a person’s identity in relation to the gender or genders to which they are romantically, emotionally, or sexually attracted, including any identity that a person may have previously expressed or is perceived by another person to hold.”
Because of that critics are sounding the alarm, fearing the new legal language could make it unlawful to fire an employee with a sexual attraction for children—even one working at a business focused on serving minors.
“Employers are going to have to be more cautious about how they interact with potential employees,” Leslie Wolfgang, public policy director of the Family Institute of Connecticut (FIC), told The Epoch Times.
“They won’t be able to discriminate based on their sexual attraction.”
The new bill was sponsored by Rep. Dominique Johnson (D), Rep. Hubert Delaney (D), Rep. Jeff Currey (D), Sen. Gary Winfield (D), and Rep. Tom Delniki (R).
It has passed both chambers of the legislature and now awaits signing by Lamont, a Democrat.
The Epoch Times contacted the bill’s sponsors but received no response by publication time.
Major Problems With Minor Attraction
Current law in Connecticut protects people from facing discrimination due to their heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual “preference.”
But radical gender ideology activists felt that this carve-out wasn’t big enough, said Peter Wolfgang.
Wolfgang is the executive director of FIC, a Christian family values promotion group, and is married to Leslie Wolfgang.
“Our concern is, the language of the [proposed] bill was written so vaguely that it could allow for other categories to be protected that they probably may not have even intended to be included,” Peter Wolfgang said. “Pedophiles is one. There are others.”
The law doesn’t legalize pedophilia, polygamy, or bestiality. But if signed into law, the new language could be interpreted to give protections to people who practice those sex crimes, critics argue.
The process of pedophiles seeking legal protections under the proposed law’s language likely would be gradual, not “overnight,” Peter Wolfgang said. But “after everything that we’ve lived through for the last 20 years, can anyone really claim that these definitions will not evolve?”
“If you’ve got someone who hasn’t committed the crime but is openly professing that that’s what his attraction is on social media, our concern is that you will not be able to discriminate against this person,” he said.
Under the proposed law, even if someone expresses a desire to have sexual encounters with children, it could be considered unlawful discrimination to fire him or her from a job working with children, such as driving a school bus or working in a preschool.