- The Facts:
- Six doctors have passed away in the Greater Toronto Area within the last two weeks.
- Two died from terminal cancer, one was seriously ill, and another’s details are not yet known.
- Two died suddenly and were healthy individuals.
- Social media and some media sources are leaving out key details surrounding this story.
- Reflect On:
- Is our current media and information landscape broken, both in mainstream and alternative?
- Is the challenge only within media institutions or people’s relationship to sensemaking in general?
- What can we do to repair this situation?
- Is it possible some of these doctors died due to long term vaccination complications? What about long term COVID complications?
Pause – set your Pulse…
Take a breath. Release the tension in your body. Place attention on your physical heart. Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds, focusing on feeling a sense of ease. Click here to learn why we suggest this.
During the month of July, 6 doctors have died in Canada. This fact has been generating social media posts and headlines everywhere.
On one hand, much of mainstream media is lumping all deaths together, giving key details in some cases while leaving key questions unanswered in other areas. Perhaps as expected, they are claiming there is no link to COVID vaccinations in all cases.
On the other hand, alternative sources and some of the public on social media are up in arms about such claims, stating that this must point to COVID injections.
The truth is, these stories need to be viewed on a case by case basis to attempt at getting to the truth – this is what I intend to do in our investigation below.
As we go, we’ll explore the cases and their details, why it’s important to ask certain key questions, and what evidence we have to support the need for questioning heart issues and sudden deaths related to both COVID infections and COVID injections.
Finally, I will point out the reality of our broken information landscape and what we can do about fixing it.
The Doctors
Here is what we know about each of the doctors so far and how they died. For several of these doctors, announcements and information came through Trillium Health Partners.
Dr. Paul Hannam – 50 years old – died July 16, 2022 – Died of sudden cardiac failure early into a fun run.
Dr. Lorne Segall – 49 years old – died July 17, 2022 after a long battle with lung cancer.
Dr. Stephen Mckenzie – died July 18, 2022 – According to McKenzie’s office, he had been seriously ill leading up to his death and his office was permanently closed as a result. The nature of his illness was not disclosed.
Dr. Jakub Sawicki – died July 19, 2022 – He looked to be in his 30s or early 40s. He had stage 4 Gastric Cancer, Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma, which is one of the most aggressive forms of stomach cancer. He was diagnosed in August 2021. He was given a 5% chance of recovering.
Dr. Candace Nayman – 27 years old – died July 28th, 2022 – She collapsed while swimming as she competed in a triathlon. She died the next day. Likely heart related.
All of the above passed away within the Greater Toronto Area (Ontario, Canada). These are the doctors referred to in news headlines and posts around social media. There is another who died in July as well.
Dr. Shariar Jalali Mazlouman – 44 years old – lived in Melville, Saskatchewan – died on July 23, 2022. Some reports state he was found dead in a local swimming pool, but we have not been able to confirm this fact yet here at The Pulse.
As you can see from the 6 cases above, only two stand out as being rather odd and sudden, with a potential for a third if the circumstances around their death are in fact true. These facts don’t support the social media claims that ALL of these doctors are likely dying from COVID injections.
That said, it’s fair to ask “did the doctors with cancer have cancer prior to their vaccination?” There have been claims that the vaccine can bring back or bring on cancer, while this doesn’t have a ton of research behind it yet, by asking we’re covering all bases.
Finally, I’d like to point out the story of Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial. He died in November of 2021 and was 52 years old. He practiced cardiology in New Brunswick and died suddenly in his sleep.
His story, similar to Dr Nayman’s and Dr Hannam’s, is sudden and require more questions. However, navigating these questions can be a tricky thing.
A Broken Information Landscape
The fact that key details around the deaths of these individuals have been left out of thousands of articles and probably tens of thousands of social media posts is partly why there a war between mainstream and alternative information sources.
Without even a few moments of questioning and investigation, posts are shared everywhere making it seem as though it was very reasonable to suggest all of these doctors have died due to COVID injection related causes. We now see this isn’t the case.
Yet this knee-jerk sharing of information gives opportunity for mainstream media, Big Tech and governments to point to ‘bad information’ and say “look, these people can’t even get basic facts right. We should stop them from sharing information!” This is obviously a problem, but not one that is entirely mythical.
These knee jerk actions also downplay the real and necessary investigations that must go into COVID injection injuries that are in fact happening around the world.
Interestingly, for those that are interested in raising awareness about vaccine safety, sharing sweeping assumptive examples like that of these doctors, simply because everyone else is or it fits a narrative, actually hurts the cause.
On the flip side, much of mainstream media has not done a good job of asking why the mysterious deaths happened the way they did. In fact, mainstream media has been horrendous in fairly covering the pandemic since it began. This is why so many people have incorporated alternative media as they simply cannot trust mainstream media any longer.
Further, most of the MSM are quick to call anything a COVID death or even report on bad information from government officials without giving the same standard of investigation as they would to debunk a claim like these.
Remember when Alberta’s ‘top doctor’ Dr. Dina Hinshaw used a 14-year-old boy’s death as a talking point to claim young people were dying from COVID? The boy had terminal brain cancer and died testing positive for COVID.
The standards used to claim COVID deaths are not the same standards used to investigate potential vaccine injuries. This reveals the bias of mainstream COVID perspectives, as well as government.
Former CBC journalist Marianne Klowak, a 32 year general reporter who left the CBC because of the lack of real journalism taking place during the pandemic, further points out the issues within the mainstream landscape.
She stated on Trish Wood’s podcast Trish Wood Is Critical:
the “last year and a half … was a real fight” [to get the truth out during the pandemic.]
“It was no longer a place I recognized and I tried to pushed through a number of stories that were censored and cancelled,”
“What I was seeing unfold at the CBC was you were very quickly shutting down one side of the debate, and for me that was alarming,” [referring to vaccine data coming out of Israel that showed issues]
“We were not giving the public the information they had the right to know to make a decision based on informed consent.”
Marianne Klowak
While on the outside it seems that many of the mainstream media outlets must be corrupt to their core, the truth is that many inside the institutions feel trapped and are extremely frustrated.
This is very similar to the feelings of scientists working inside the NIH, CDC and FDA who are trying to point out the lack of real science that backs COVID policy recommendations.
How did doctors who were young and healthy suddenly die? This is a fair question to ask in the cases of Dr. Paul Hannam, Dr. Candace Nayman, Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, and potentially Dr. Shariar Jalali Mazlouman once details around his death can be verified.
The question of whether COVID-19 injections are related is tough to answer, but must be investigated.
When it comes to the deaths of some of these doctors, a reasonable investigator or journalist would ask:
What have autopsy results returned?
How many vaccines have they had?
When was the last time they had a vaccine?
How many times have they had COVID?
Were they experiencing any health issues prior to vaccination?
Did they have any issues following COVID infection?
The reason these questions are reasonable for a person seeking the truth is simply because you are leaving no rock unturned, and you acknowledge that there is observational data and some scientific literature that has pointed out that these COVID injections could possibly have long term effects on the heart. (Study Suggests COVID Vaccines “Dramatically” Increase Heart Complication Risks)
Authors from a recent study published in the journal Nature, for example, explain,
“While not establishing causal relationships, the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals. Surveillance of potential vaccine side-effects and COVID-19 outcomes should incorporate EMS and other health data to identify public health trends (e.g., increased in EMS calls), and promptly investigate potential underlying causes.”
There are also some serious concerns with regards to children, deaths have been reported after injection.
It’s interesting to note that the medical establishment gave up on having data on the long terms effects of COVID injections by ending COVID vaccine clinical trials early and removing the control group involved. Yet they are studying, en masse, the long term effects of COVID infection. Why not the same standards of investigation for both arms?
It’s widely recognized that heart problems and strokes can occur from COVID-19 infection, even before COVID injections were around. But the same mechanisms causing those issues can be at play from COVID injections via the spike protein, yet this obvious question remains off the table.
Another question we can ask is whether or not severe adverse reactions from COVID injections is going under-reported. I myself asked this questioned and wondered: how can we know? To examine this I used Pfizer’s clinical trial data and vaccine adverse event reporting data from Canada. I determined that vaccine injuries are being underreported likely by a factor of 20x or 40x depending on definitions and numbers selected.
Here is a breakdown:
To cap off our discussion on these doctors, we know that for some of them there were serious pre-existing conditions that were around for a long time. In these cases it seem unlikely, but not impossible, that COVID infection or COVID injections were the cause of death. In these cases, hopefully people will stop weaponizing their names for their own agenda.
But for a few of the other cases, more investigation is needed. Healthy people should not suddenly die, and we cannot rule out COVID infection or COVID injections as a potential cause of heart issues leading to death.
We’ll do our best here to dive in more deeply on these cases. But truly, this work should be done by an honest medical establishment and a well resourced media.
Sadly, this likely won’t happen.
Improving The Information Landscape
Here at the Pulse, and over the last 14 years with our parent company Collective Evolution, we are dedicated to improving the information landscape and collective sensemaking. We do this by modelling and bringing awareness to, through practical methods, the common causes of poor sensemaking.
Sure, information outlets can have issues like financial incentives, poor journalists or political bias, but one key way to improve the entire landscape is by improving as an individual consumer.
As you may have noted at the top of this article, we encourage readers to pause for a moment and ‘set their pulse.’ The purpose of this is simple: we are inviting readers to slow down, become more present, less distracted, and physiologically more regulated. I expand upon this here.
While bias can still creep in even if someone does this quick exercise, it still improves how we take in information. It also can train us to become more self aware, and ultimately it allows us to notice our reactions to things like information that challenges our currently held ideas.
“Why did I get tense when I read that?” “Why did that sentence make me upset?” These are questions that can arise through continual practice of embodiment and presence. This awareness and curiosity helps us sensemake because we are noticing the habitual reactions we often have when moving through piles of information.
It later leads us to questions like “Why do I get defensive talking to friends about these topics?” Which can help us improve our relationships and collective sensemaking in the long run.
Of course, light exposure to exercises like this might encourage us to ask more questions related to how they can improve the way they navigate information. By bringing awareness to the idea that this is a skill that can be developed, people might be more inclined to. Especially given the huge issues we are seeing with a breakdown in sensemaking causing cultural divides and poor decision making all over.
Social media and how it currently functions is not a healthy space for encouraging good sensemaking. We are pounding through algorithmically suggested content based on our own habits and bias’. We are in information overload, not taking enough time to truly make sense of different topics from different perspectives.
This social media culture entrains our brains neuropathways to expect constant stimulation and primes us for information to move faster and faster – usually with less impact and quality.
In short, how can we improve all of this? Well, if we start as individuals and seek to slow down, improve our individual sensemaking, and model this for greater communities and collectives, things will shift.
Learning to understand the mechanisms at play in our body, minds and consciousness as we navigate ourselves and information is an empowering step to not only begin to improve them within ourselves but communicate it to others.
If we want to stop the grip social media has on our minds and attention, be aware of it and interrupt the pattern. This is what presence and embodiment can help us with. I did a short workshop on this topic in our Explorer Lounge membership. The workshop is called The Physiology of Sensemaking and provides some practical tools for slowing down, tuning into our bodies more and navigate our everyday world with this in mind.
We also have a course in our membership called Overcoming Bias & Improving Critical Thinking. This one uses presence and embodiment as a boiler plate for working through our mental blind spots and helps us navigate information much more effectively. You can take this course by becoming a member of our Explorer Lounge.
As a media and education company we are always seeking to get to the core of what it will take to truly create a better world. This means there is a stark difference in the way we navigate stories, what we choose to cover, how we present stories, and the solutions we shed light on.
Over the years we have seen some interesting results within our audience from taking the approach we have to our work. We hope this has been a valuable contribution to the media space. I outlined this in a report here.