A pre-print study analysed 487 individual data with a median follow-up of 44 days. The authors discuss that “another important predictor of Long Covid was the presence of pre-existing conditions like diabetes and hypertension. A study from India and a systematic review on this topic has found a similar and strong association between the pre-existing condition and Long Covid. An observational paradox in our study was that the participants who took two doses of COVID-19 vaccination had higher odds of developing Long Covid.”
This observation is supported by a retrospective cohort study of 10,024 breakthrough infections, which states that:
👉🏻 “Risk of anxiety, depression, sleep disorder, renal disease and Long Covid features did not differ..”
👉🏻 “[…] compared to unvaccinated individuals, those who were vaccinated, …there was no significant difference in the risk of many other outcomes including composite of death and any Long Covid feature.”
So next time someone argues that vaccination prevents ‘Long Covid’, you can teach them otherwise. ☝🏼️
Dr. Simon