News that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have identified additional adverse side effects related to COVID vaccines is alarming but not surprising.
According to The Epoch Times, Dr. Janet Woodcock, principal deputy director of the FDA, agency epidemiologists, Dr. Peter Marks, and a team at the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) have studied reports of neurologic side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines since at least Sept. 13, 2021.
According to the E.T. report, regulatory officials are not properly reporting adverse reaction data, “despite a growing recognition among experts that at least some issues are likely linked to the vaccines.”
According to a Sept. 16, 2021 email reviewed by The Epoch Times, Woodcock noted she was “sorry” people were reporting post-vaccine problems but that she was trying to find ways to address the problem.
Woodcock also wrote that she was researching the “neurologic side effects from the COVID 19 vaccines.”
On Nov. 16, 2021, Woodcock wrote that she was continuing (but not publicly disclosing) her research. She wrote:
“I am awaiting some information from the epidemiologists that I expect to get tomorrow. We are having difficulty pinning down these nervous system-related events that have been brought to our attention. I’ve asked for specific searches of the reports we get both from here and ex-U.S. (as these vaccines have been used in many countries) as well as from trials, where oversight of participants is greater.”
Woodcock acknowledged that she was aware people were suffering issues after receiving COVID vaccinations and were looking to the FDA for guidance on treatment, but there was “not a lot of certainty about what causes the symptoms.”
In an email to The Epoch Times, Woodcock confirmed that the research is ongoing.
“When we know something definitive, we will put out a statement if warranted,” she wrote.
In the meantime, Woodcock continues to recommend that adults and children receive COVID vaccinations and boosters. In a Nov. 11 statement, Woodcock said:
“…of course, any death of a child is a terrible tragedy,” [nevertheless], “We have put out there, and CDC has agreed….you can get whatever vaccine that is authorized or approved…as a booster. People who got the J&J, they got a single injection, they should go ahead, if they’re more than two months out, and get a booster…”
Dr. Marks, Marks, Director of the FDA’s center for regulating vaccines, wrote in one email in November 2021 that epidemiologists at the FDA are “looking into this.”
He added, “I work closely with them, and know that they are very committed to understanding whatever adverse events might be attributable to the vaccines that we regulate.”
Marks has met with patients reporting vaccine injuries on multiple occasions, but the FDA has posted no warning statements. In an email obtained by The Epoch Times, he wrote dismissively:
“We will continue to carefully evaluate all serious reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination and are committed to transparency about any findings.”
The FDA reports it has “systems” in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. However, their heavy reliance on the VAERS reporting system brings the integrity of their “systems” into question. VAERS states that less 1 percent of adverse reactions are reported to the agency.
The FDA has identified several issues “potentially associated with vaccination,” including the neurological disorder known as Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Other reported adverse reactions include blood clotting and low blood platelet levels known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) and several forms of heart inflammation, including myocarditis.
Dismissing the significance of these findings, an FDA spokesperson said, “The chance of having these events occur is very low. To date, the systems for monitoring COVID-19 vaccine safety have not identified additional safety signals for serious neurological outcomes following COVID-19 vaccination.”
Dr. Danice Hertz received a vaccination, had an adverse reaction, and was seen virtually by NIH experts. The Epoch Times reports that “they did not give her a definitive diagnosis. But Dr. Safavi wrote in one message to Hertz, “What is clear here [is] that you have developed [an] immediate reaction to the vaccine with some systemic symptoms continued by [the] evolution of neuropathic features.”
Dr. Safavi added: “We know as a fact that immune-mediated neurological complications can happen post-vaccination and post-infection.”
Dr. Hertz was “shocked” after investigating how the FDA has concealed findings while continuing to advocate for vaccine mandates and boosters:
“They refuse to acknowledge what’s happening to so many thousands of people,” Hertz told The Epoch Times. “We’ve been completely abandoned. And we’re despondent over it.”
Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, told the Epoch Times: “These victims of vaccine injury are left out in the cold…”