By now, even COVID-19 “vaccine” fanatics surely notice that the hyped-up gene-therapy jabs are eerily dangerous and far too often deadly. Indeed, a growing list of irrefutable facts and data about the jabs offers proof that they do not prevent someone from catching or transmitting COVID-19. Likewise, there is little to no evidence that the “vaccines” lessen the symptoms of the virus for those who become infected. Instead, along with creating more vicious strains of COVID-19, the jabs have serious side effects that are more common—and often much worse—than the virus itself. And data shows that the jabs are far less effective than natural immunity. Therefore, as the COVID-19 pandemic remains a tool of the Biden administration and the midterms approach, these facts need to be repeated and shared far and wide. Simply put—the jabs are killing people.
An eye-opening, fully sourced COVID-19 fact book called “Science, Facts & Data about COVID-19 and vaccines” puts the devastating impact of the COVID-19 “vaccines” into perspective. A recent analysis of VAERS data through July 29, 2022, reveals an astonishing 1.37 million reported adverse reactions to the shots, including roughly 30 thousand deaths. Without a doubt, these numbers are significantly higher since, as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) noted, only 1% to 10% of all adverse reactions are reported to VAERS. An October 2021 study by Columbia University announced that nearly 400,000 people had died following complications from the COVID-19 “vaccines,” a figure that was 20 times higher than reported to VAERS.

VAERS data from the United States is not the only “vaccine” deaths and adverse reactions database that continues to increase in size. VigiBase, the drug-monitoring database maintained by the World Health Organization (WHO), reports that over 2.7 million people had adverse drug reactions to the COVID-19 “vaccines” as of December 14, 2021. Europe’s Eudra Vigilance database also reveals startling numbers. As of March 15, 2022, there have been almost 42,000 deaths and 3.9 million injuries from the COVID-19 jabs. Pfizer-BioNTech’s shot leads the way. As of April 9, 2022, nearly 893,000 adverse reactions have been tied to its “vaccine.”
Data Shows COVID-19 “Vaccines” Cause the Infection
Further demonstrating the jabs themselves are exacerbating the COVID-19 pandemic, a Harvard study from August 2021 established the parallel that the higher a nation’s vaccination rate, the higher its infection rate. The study, which included 68 countries and 2,947 counties in the U.S., showed “definitive proof of a positive correlation between a country’s vaccination rate and the number of infection cases, thus proving the vaccines do not stop the spread of COVID-19 (and in fact might help spread the virus.” Study authors S.V. Subramanian and Akhil Kumar declared:
“At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between
the percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.
As the Covid pandemic continues to defy predictions about when it will finally be ‘over,’ there is a curious phenomenon taking place across the United States and around the globe: Covid-19 case rates increasing alongside vaccination rates.“
CDC data backs up this incredible reality, revealing in July 2021 that COVID-19 cases dropped by 75% or more in every age group BEFORE the group reaches 20% vaccination. Despite being overlooked by the mainstream media, time after time, COVID-19 data highlighted the same pattern in the U.S. (and other countries)—the most significant COVID-19 outbreaks occur in places with the highest vaccination rates. Sadly, young Americans ages 25 to 44 have experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality during the last four months of 2021. This, too, correlates to the draconian COVID-19 “vaccine” mandates.

The Profit-Driven Corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry Doesn’t Care
Despite previously pleading guilty to a felony for deliberately marketing a drug to deceive and mislead the public, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Pfizer the freedom to do the same with its COVID-19 jabs. As previously reported by UncoverDC, Pfizer’s internal documents show that the company was aware of tens of thousands of adverse reactions to its “vaccine” and over 1,200 deaths. Without question, many experts insist that Pfizer’s clinical trials, studies, reports, and methodology for its rushed COVID-19 jab—all of which it funded—were badly designed from the beginning.
Shockingly, as Pfizer (and other big pharma giants) continue to rake in billions, the company’s initial data showed an absolute risk reduction of only 0.84%. And this number determines the risk-benefit ratio required to make informed decisions around vaccination. Per Pfizer’s own data, 30% of pregnant women had serious adverse effects from Pfizer’s jab, and 25 mothers lost their babies. As previously discussed, with nearly zero protection, mortality and severe side effects are greater in those who have received the COVID-19 “vaccine,” making it riskier to take the vaccine than not to take it.
Irrefutable Facts Yet Mainstream Media Remains Silent
As we approach one year since the FDA issued its “approval” of Pfizer’s gene-therapy jab, young, healthy athletes are collapsing and dying at an unprecedented rate. Myocarditis is plaguing teens, pilots are having heart attacks, and reports from the U.K. government reveal that fully vaccinated children are 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than children who are not vaccinated. Yet, the Biden administration is now relentlessly pushing the jabs on infants as young as six months old.

Loaded with all facts and determined to share their urgent warnings, over 15,000 infectious disease epidemiologists & public health scientists have signed a declaration (the Great Barrington Declaration) around the grave concerns related to the deadly COVID-19 vaccine and other unprecedented pandemic restrictions. Nevertheless, the clinical trial on humanity with the experimental jabs continues with little recourse for anyone following injury. Conveniently, big pharma is immune from liability. And like always, the mainstream media—primarily funded by big pharma—remains silent.