(Natural News) New research out of Brazil has found that ivermectin, a generic anti-parasite drug, is 92 percent effective at stopping mortality caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
When used as a prophylactic, says Dr. Flavio A. Cadegiani, who tweeted about the study, ivermectin has a “dose-response effect,” meaning “the more you used, the more protection you had. (Related: Another study out of Australia declared ivermectin to be a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest.”)
People who took ivermectin regularly every 15 days for at least six to eight weeks almost all survived “covid,” while those who did not were much more likely to die after the disease ran its course.
The findings agree with those of Dr. Harvey Risch, an esteemed epidemiologist from Yale Medical School who testified before the Senate that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) could have saved thousands, or even millions, of lives that were needlessly lost by not using these drugs.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), meanwhile, has been on the offensive against ivermectin, calling it a “horse dewormer” despite approving the drug from human use back in the 1990s.
“Hold your horses, y’all,” the FDA mocked in a tweet. “Ivermectin may be trending, but it still isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19.”
The reference to horses played on the explosion last fall of media articles and social media posts mocking people who treated COVID-19 with the drug as ignorant rubes who were sneaking into farms or patronizing Tractor Supply stores in quest of “horse dewormer.”
During the pandemic, Twitter and other social media platforms censored positive mention of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine despite the countless testimonies and dozens of studies from around the world showing the drugs to be effective in treating COVID-19.
A follow-up FDA post said: “Also, a reminder that a study showed it didn’t actually work against COVID.”
Dr. Pierre Kory, who has testified to the Senate of the effectiveness of ivermectin against COVID-19, fired back.
“You are not a horse, you are not a cow, you are Big Pharma’s ass,” he tweeted.
The FDA, he wrote, was “messaging BS” by citing “one corrupt study” while ignoring 82 trials, including 33 randomized controlled trials with 129,000 patients from 27 countries that show “massive benefits” of ivermectin in treating COVID-19.
“Stop lying man, people are dying,” he wrote, adding the hashtag “earlytreatmentworks.”
According to Dr. Pierre Kory, the FDA is “messaging BS” to the masses whenever it tries to “debunk” the safety and effectiveness of ivermectin. He also tweeted in response to the FDA’s horse dewormer tweet:
“You are not a horse, you are not a cow, you are Big Pharma’s ass.”
“Stop lying man, people are dying,” he added in another tweet to the FDA, along with the hashtag “#earlytreatmentworks.”
In an article he wrote for the Brownstone Institute, Kory explained that the FDA’s tactics in opposition to ivermectin are “tried-and-true” because they come straight from “Big Pharma and other well-financed interests … aimed at discrediting cheaper generic alternatives” to their new blockbuster drugs.
“Ignoring the flaws in the methodology, the media runs wild with the desired narrative, which is amplified by a well-orchestrated public relations effort,” Kory said about how the FDA and other government agencies regularly ignore or minimize research that does not favor their position.
The latest ivermectin trial out of Brazil, known as “TOGETHER,” is the latest example of this biased approach to science, which is depriving the public of a life-saving remedy.
“The dosage of the trial was far lower than everyday Brazilian clinicians were prescribing patients at the time to match the strength of the strain,” Kory further pointed out about how even the low-dose ivermectin used in the study was effective against the disease.
“In spite of these and other readily apparent shortcomings, the nation’s leading media gobbled up the results. ‘Ivermectin Didn’t Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date’ blared the Wall Street Journal, while a New York Times headlined announced, ‘Ivermectin Does Not Reduce Risk of Covid Hospitalization, Large Study Finds.’”