The recent and proposed changes to the World Health Associations, International Health Regulations pose an existential threat to many of the values Australians hold dear.
Under these changes to the regulations, the World Health Organization would wield unchecked power. Their decisions would bind all member countries, leaving no room for dissent or autonomy. States of Emergency could be declared at their whim, curtailing our liberties with impunity.
The proposed changes seek to undermine national sovereignty, trample on democracy, and stifle our hard-won freedoms.
Given the potential dire and horrifying ramifications of these proposed amendments, it is time to take a stand and let Parliament know that they need to hold an inquiry into the International Health Regulations.
The best way to do this is by sending an email to the JSCOT (Joint Standing Committee on Treaties) secretariat.
We’ve simplified the process by preparing a letter that you can copy to your clipboard (with one tap or mouse click), and then you click a button to open your email and you send an email from your computer to the JSCOT secretariat by pasting the letter you copied.
All it takes is four mouse clicks and typing 10-15 words. If this is too much for us, then we deserve what we get.
The Australian Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Treaties offers a chance to expose these perilous changes and demand accountability. This has come about recently due to discussions within Government regarding this.
As a staunch defender of freedom, your voice is crucial. We’re asking you to stand up, and send an email to demand an urgent parliamentary inquiry into these dangerous changes to the International Health Regulations.