Police in Scotland are reporting that serious crimes such as rapes and murders are now severely under-resourced due to the Scottish government’s insistence that they prioritise ‘hate crime’ incidents.
Taxpayers are having to pay millions of pounds to pay officers overtime to deal with the deluge of ‘hate crime’ reports.
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According to The Telegraph, David Kennedy, the general secretary of the Scottish Police Federation, warned that the excess costs are already piling up as police try to deal with the influx of more than 6,000 complaints of “stirring up hatred”.
“Although there are lots of complaints coming in, a tiny percentage of that are turning into actual investigations. It will all be done within the control room, the control room will be paying extra overtime and using officers from the control room area to do it,” Kennedy warned.
Modernity.news reports: He added that staff will be spending their time “weeding through” the reports to see if any constitute real crimes.
“There are not a lot of officers on patrol that are getting overly swamped because not a lot of the complaints are turning into actual hate crime investigations,” Kennedy noted, adding “It will be officers sitting and reading through whatever has been sent in to make sure that there is not any hate crime and that there is not any other crime being reported.”
He continued, “There is overtime getting paid, they wouldn’t have acquired it if the new law hadn’t come in, they wouldn’t have had the extra work.”
Kennedy noted that his department hasn’t been provided any new staff and that it will take “weeks or months” to review all the reports.
“It’s going to cost hundreds of thousands of pounds and we don’t have any officers so I don’t care what anybody says there is a detrimental impact on other parts of the force,” he urged.
As we have highlighted, under the new legislation, anyone deemed to have been verbally ‘abusive’, in person or online, to a transgender person, including “insulting” them could be hit with a prison sentence of up to seven years.
Transgender activists have been busy making lists of people they are waiting on to make such comments, including Harry Potter author JK Rowling herself.
Rowling yesterday slammed Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf as an ‘authoritarian’ adding that he will “get his richly deserved comeuppance” when Scottish people vote.