Nicola Sturgeon faces another trans storm after a decision was made to house one of Scotland’s most violent prisoners in a women’s jail. The Record can reveal that volatile Tiffany Scott – who stalked a 13-year-old girl while known as Andrew Burns – has been rubber-stamped for transfer to a jail that aligns with her chosen gender.
Scott, 31, has been repeatedly refused the switch over several years but senior management relented in recent weeks. It is understood that the transfer is still planned – despite the First Minister instructing a U-turn on a decision to house double rapist Isla Bryson at all-women jail Cornton Vale, Stirling, on Thursday.
Last night the Scottish Government faced calls to make another embarrassing U-turn on Scott. A source said: “Of all the female trans prisoners in the estate, Scott has been considered the most dangerous.”
They added: “Isla Bryson’s rape convictions took public perception of the risks to a new level. Cornton Vale staff were bracing themselves for Scott and then the Bryson case showed how ill equipped the SPS is to deal with the most extreme trans prisoners.
“As it stands, Scott will be admitted to a women’s jail – probably the New HMP Stirling later this year – and held in segregation. This will very possibly lead to full integration with the main prison community.
“This highly disturbed prisoner has attacked female staff during time in prison, has admitted stalking a young girl and has been one of the most menacing people inside Scottish jails. It’s madness to send her to a women’s jail – there needs to be a better solution than this.”
The decision to move Scott coincided with the passage through the Scottish Parliament of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, which the SNP Government hopes will enable individuals to transition to another gender more easily.
The Bill was voted through but is being blocked from royal assent by the UK Government, via a Section 35 order, which Sturgeon says is undemocratic. Scott, 32, from Kinglassie, Fife, is being held in segregation at LowMoss Prison, near Glasgow.