The goal fifty years ago, just as in the Great Reset now, is to drastically reduce the global population, dismantle the free market, and erase all borders.
The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” is a reiteration of the 1960-70s’ “New World Economic Order,” according to a prominent Italian economist.
Tedeschi served for a time as president of the secretive Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as Vatican Bank before he was ousted in 2012. According to the economist, he was hired by former Pope Benedict XVI to “get rid of the accounts that were not supposed to be there and were sometimes used for money laundering purposes.”
Pope Benedict XVI, whose conservative views made him a target of left-wing media, inexplicably resigned in 2013. He was the first pope to resign since Pope Gregory XII in 1415. Pope Benedict XVI was replaced by the communist-friendly Pope Francis, who reigns to this day.
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi made the remarks in a recent interview translated for RAIR Foundation USA. Tedeschi explains that today’s “Great Reset” is nothing more than the latest iteration of a radical “neo-Malthusian” worldview.
The Kissinger Report
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi states that dangerous globalist Henry Kissinger was pivotal in the conceptual New World Economic Order “at the end of the sixties and the beginning of the seventies.”
The goal fifty years ago, just as in the Great Reset now, is to drastically reduce the global population, dismantle the free market (i.e., “capitalism”), and erase all borders.

Kissinger, now in his late nineties, is often mislabeled as a “Republican” as he served under American Presidents Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. It was during his time working in the Nixon Administration that he was commissioned to study so-called “overpopulation.” The result was the 1974 “Kissinger Report,” which was declassified on July 3rd, 1989, as instructed under President Ronald Reagan’s Executive Order 12356.
Almost fifty years ago, the Kissinger Report praised the U.S. government for funding population control efforts in poor countries under the guise of “family planning”:
Over the past few years, U.S. government-funded population programs have played a major role in arousing interest in family planning in many countries, and in launching and accelerating the growth of national family planning programs.”
How many decades must go by before Americans put a stop to their tax dollars being used for radical left initiatives?
But Ettore Gotti Tedeschi explains that Kissinger’s initiative to properly depopulate the planet “produced several mistakes,” and therefore, “a second reset is needed today,” which is “taking advantage of” the “Covid Pandemic.”
The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset
Founder and current Executive Chairman for the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwabbelieves “changes we have already seen in response to COVID-19″ will help to usher in ‘The Great Reset,” which he outlines in his June 2020 article titled “Now is the time for a ‘great reset’”:
To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. From the United States to China, every country must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism,” Schwab writes.
Schwab blames “mounting deaths” from the pandemic for what he says will create long-term economic consequences, unemployment, and public debt when the reality is the worldwide lockdowns implemented as a way to “flatten the curve” are what caused millions to lose their jobs.

Hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world shut their doors in early 2020 and will never again reopen. Countless American workers have also recently left the workforce due to being presented with an ultimatum: take the experimental Covid-19 injections, or find employment elsewhere.
The burdens being placed on employers and employees alike will cause the economic collapse, not “mounting deaths” due to a virus with a 99%+ survival rate.
Schwab, along with Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt, and other prominent individuals in the tech industry and political sector, meets yearly in Davos to discuss what changes must be implemented to see the Great Reset come to fruition.
This goes hand-in-hand with the Rockefeller Foundation’s Lock Step Scenario where again, one will see some very familiar names, all with the same plan for the future using the pandemic to usher in “[A] world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.”
2016: The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Schwab’s book The Fourth Industrial Revolution describes the World Economic Forum’s twisted vision of our future as fundamentally different from the past. This includes gene editing, self-driving vehicles, intelligent robots, and the merging of tech with humans (transhumanism), “challenging ideas about what it means to be human,” he writes.
Schwab explained in 2016 how The Fourth Industrial Revolution would turn cities into smart cities, digitalize all industries, under one government, with integrated ecosystems driven by “big data.”
Watch Klaus Schwab Discuss the “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:
The worldview Tedeschi references are based on the false Malthusian concept that the world’s resources are finite and challenged by a growing population.
“First, a suggestion was made that is related to the great crisis we have been witnessing in recent decades. Too many births. And as a consequence, the need to decrease the birth rate of the population. What was the very first effect of this process? The birth rate dropped. But where? In the Western world. The shrinking of the population took place mainly in the so-called Western World, the United States, and Europe. Why is the population growth rate supposed to be reduced?
Because, according to a neo-Malthusian worldview, the more people are born, the more people consume, the more people waste what nature provides for us,” Tedeschi reflects.
Watch the video:
The former president of the Vatican Bank warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is a trojan horse for the Great Reset, a plan to reduce the global population, dismantle the free market, and erase all borders.
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi is an Italian economist who was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to head the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR) to “get rid of the accounts that were not supposed to be there and were sometimes used for money laundering purposes.”
In an interview translated by RAIR Foundation USA, Tedeschi, who was ousted from his post in 2021, explained that the Great Reset agenda was first cultivated by globalist Henry Kissinger “at the end of the sixties and the beginning of the seventies” as the “New World Economic Order.”
But Kissinger’s vision, he said, “produced several mistakes,” and so “a second reset is needed today,” which is why the globalists are “taking advantage” of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“After fifty years, since the first reset of the seventies produced several mistakes, a second reset is needed today,” Tedeschi said.
“The current reset, commonly called ‘The Great Reset,’ is nothing but a correction of the mistakes which we have been making for the last fifty years.”
“So therefore, thanks to — or rather taking advantage of — this unfortunate situation called the ‘Covid Pandemic,’ there is the possibility to boost, or rather – I will use a strong expression – to impose or to caused to be imposed certain behaviors.”
“Nevertheless, today’s reset is the correction of the mistakes made by yesterday’s reset,” he added.
Tedeschi said the globalists decided the world was becoming too overpopulated and had to be mitigated, which occurred mainly in the Western world.
“First, a suggestion was made, that is related to the great crisis we have been witnessing in recent decades: too many births,” he said. “And as a consequence, the need to decrease the birth rate of the population.”
“What was the very first effect of this process? The birth rate dropped. But where? In the Western world. The shrinking of population took place mainly in the so-called Western world, the United States and Europe. Why is the population growth rate supposed to be reduced?”
“Because, according to the neo-Malthusian worldview, the more people are born, the more people consume, the more people waste what nature provides for us,” he added.
Notably, Great Reset architect and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab was Kissinger’s protégé, as he studied under the former Secretary of State at Harvard University.

In summary, the Great Reset agenda is merely the continuation of Kissinger’s New World Economic Order plan repurposed by the World Economic Forumto de-industrialize the First World using the COVID pandemic as the scapegoat.