Canadian Panel Recommends Euthanasia options for children without parental consent:
On February 15, 2023, the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying has recommended the expansion of euthanasia in Canada to include “mature minors” (click here).
Recommendation 19: “That the Government of Canada establish a requirement that, where appropriate, the parents or guardians of a mature minor be consulted in the course of the assessment process for MAID, but that the will of a minor who is found to have the requisite decision-making capacity ultimately take priority.”
“The report by the Special Joint Committee on AMAD also calls for the expansion of euthanasia to include individuals with mental illness. According to the report, mental illness should not be a barrier to accessing medical assistance in dying (MAID), as long as the individual meets the criteria for eligibility and is capable of providing informed consent.”
Who are the people pushing euthanasia in children and the mentally ill?
The Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying is composed of Trudeau-appointed Canadian Senators and Members of Parliament. Their names are listed here (click here).
This Committee is Chaired by Senator Yonah Martin and Liberal MP Marc Garneau

Who are the doctors who are willing to do this?
I told Stew Peters about an article covering Canadian doctors who were proudly performing MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) and called it the most rewarding experience of their medical careers.
There are actually several such news stories. Here are some of them:
Dr. Stefanie Green
“She was among the first Canadian physicians to offer medical assistance in dying, known as MAID, once it became legal in this country in 2016” (click here)
“she said helping to end people’s suffering has been the most rewarding experience of her career — although initially that was a sentiment she felt she had to keep to herself.”
“has assisted at more than 1,500 births and now more than 300 deaths.” (click here)
Dr. Ellen Wiebe
“Dr. Ellen Wiebe has helped 260 Canadians end their lives over the past four years, including a few who likely would have lived up to another decade on their own.” (click here)
“A Canadian doctor who’s personally euthanized more than 400 people said she helped kill a man who was previously deemed unsuitable for assisted suicide. Ellen Wiebe, a doctor who works with Dying With Dignity Canada, boasted in a seminar for physicians working in assisted suicide about the time she treated a patient who did not qualify for the end of life service.” (click here)
“‘It’s the most rewarding work we’ve ever done,’ Wiebe said of MAID during a 2020 event in a video that’s since been shared online.”

“In 2021, only 486 people died using California’s assisted suicide program, but that same year in Canada, 10,064 died used MAID to die that year. MAID has now grown so popular that Canada has both anti-suicide hotlines to try and stop people killing themselves, as well as pro-suicide hotlines for people wanting to end their lives.”
“MAID has fallen into further scrutiny over claims that people are now seeking assisted suicide due to poverty and homelessness or mental anguish, as opposed to the traditional method of the terminally-ill seeking a painless death.”
Euthanasia of Canada’s poor
In December 2022, a shocking story came out about a 65 year old Canadian man who was approved for euthanasia by a doctor, for poverty (click here).

Canada leads world in Organ Donations from Euthanasia
I also mentioned to Stew Peters about Canada leading the world in Organ Donations from euthanasia. The story is here (click here).
“A study published in the December 2022 issue of the American Journal of Transplantation finds Canada leading the world in harvesting organs from those who received medical assistance in dying.”
“A longtime opponent of any form of euthanasia, Scheidl said it reminds her of suspected organ harvesting of executed prisoners in places such as the People’s Republic of China.”