Here we go again with the mask insanity. You’ve got to hand it to the White House, it is deeply committed to its mask propaganda, as well as its unscientifically founded discrimination against those who didn’t take the faulty Covid-19 vaccine.
On Monday, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will welcome the NCAA men’s and women’s national championship teams to “College Athlete Day” at the White House. And despite the reams of research that show standard masks didn’t do diddly squat to prevent viral transmission, they are going to insist that the young athletes mask up. Unless they’ve got the faulty vax, that is.
In an email from the White House Office of Legislative Affairs sent to members of Congress, it was stated that negative Covid test results would be required for entry. Unvaccinated guests will be required to wear masks and maintain social distancing.
“Masking guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds. Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least six feet distance from others while on the White House grounds,” the email states.
So, not only will they be forcing those athletes who insist on bodily autonomy, as well as the superior protection of natural immunity, to be unpersoned by wearing a useless face-cloth, they want them to be ostracized further by complying with the six-foot social distancing rule that the CDC made up out of thin air.