Dr. Syafiq Nordin, a restorative medicine doctor from Malaysia, issued a heartfelt apology to his 10K followers for his role in administering the dangerous COVID-19 shots.
In a viral Facebook post, he wrote (translated to English):

1. In light of the recent news about Pfizer, a weakness in the industry, which I am part of, has been revealed.
2. I feel saddened because, before meeting Dr. Razin Jaafar, there were many mistakes in the medical advice I provided, especially concerning COVID.
3. However, I am very grateful to him because I am now more open-eyed and more enlightened about health sciences, which honestly are more natural and fitting to my soul as a medical practitioner and as a Muslim.
4. During the past COVID times, it cannot be denied that it was difficult for health care workers who strived to provide the best health services, and even more difficult for the rest of the citizens facing the lockdown.
5. The administration of the vaccine at that time was seen as the best way, and the mass vaccination program was launched very quickly.
6. I was also involved, in my capacity, in giving medical advice and obtaining ‘consent’ so that the vaccine could be administered.
7. I, as a medical practitioner, also received 3 Pfizer vaccines.
8. Everything happened in a ‘touch & go’ manner, it was impossible for me to identify whom I had given medical advice related to this issue.
9. With this, I would like to apologize a thousand times for the mistakes I had made in the previous years, especially to those who came to me during the mass COVID-vaccination season.
10. Honestly, I am incapable of assisting financially should complications occur.
11. However, I will try my best to provide more holistic medical advice, in line with the Restorative sciences brought by Dr. Razin.
I apologize, Malaysian Citizens!
Dr. Syafiq Nordin Restorative Medicine
Head of the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) ignores data request from 7 Members of Parliament
A month ago, 7 MPs requested additional data analysis from the UK ONS. Essentially, they asked for an existing report to be run with different parameters. The head of the ONS ignored the request.

Executive summary
On March 2, seven Members of Parliament sent a letter to the Chief Executive of the UK Office of National Statistics requesting that an analysis be re-run using a finer level of granularity than the ONS has used in the past.
MP Andrew Bridgen was the author of the letter.
It’s now April 4. No response.
Which means Professor Diamond has basically ghosted 7 MPs making a reasonable request.
Why did he do that?
I believe it is because there is no rational way to deny their request and if he complied with it, it would reveal that the vaccines are unsafe.
“There shall be no data transparency. You only get to see what we allow you to see.”
It seems pretty clear to me that the good Professor is not working for the people of the UK.
So who is he working for?
Sadly, we’ll never find out the answer to that question because he’s not talking.
I wonder why?
You can ask him yourself: Ian Diamond (national.statistician@statistics.gov.uk).
Let me know in the comments if you hear back.
My advice: don’t hold your breath.