The FBI announced this week that ‘Pizzagate is real’ and have confirmed that pedophiles connected to an elite pedophile ring are actively being pursued and arrested.
The admission from the FBI comes after a week of multiple arrests of public figures connected to Pizzagate – who previously tried to dismiss the scandal as a ‘conspiracy theory.’
The latest Pizzagate-connected figure, Clint Harnden, worked at Texas A&M and was arrested on child pornography charges earlier this month. According to a statement by the FBI, he used the pedophile code word “pizza” in chats to discuss child porn.
Clint Harnden, who was/is employed at Texas A&M was arrested on child pornography charges last week and according to the man’s lawyer, Texas A&M allowed him to continue working at home.
Clinton Harnden from College Station appeared in a Houston Federal Courtroom Thursday morning. He is facing charges of receiving and possessing child pornography. Harnden was arrested by the FBI at his home in College Station on Nov. 11.
Unable to return home to await his trial, Harnden was ordered to stay at the home of a relative who also lives in College Station under some strict conditions. He will be required to wear an ankle monitor, maintain restrictions on travel, have no contact with any minors under the age of 18, and remain off the internet other than for work.
Harnden maintaining employment is a condition of his release.
During the court appearance, Harnden’s lawyer discussed his employment with Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, saying arrangements were made to allow Harnden to work from home and use vacation time while in custody. Sources at Texas A&M said as of Friday, Harnden had been utilizing vacation time since his arrest and had not been working remotely.
We’ve obtained an FBI affidavit from a special agent assigned to the case and the details behind Harnden’s arrest are absolutely disgusting.
The following are excerpts of the affidavit. A warning as they’re extremely graphic.

Via the affidavit:
Agents reviewed HARNDEN’s “ATXAGGIE2007” Tumblr page. The page was filled with posts and responses about pornographic material, including CSAM. One post by HARNDEN on Tumblr asked “Anyone give out free pizza today.” As stated before, I know from my training and experience that “pizza” and/or “cheese pizza” is a known slang/codeword used by individuals to refer to CSAM.

The entire Special Agent FBI affidavit can be viewed by clicking here.
These incidents keep increasing in schools and we wonder if it’s just becoming more of a of an issue or if law enforcement has just gotten better at tracking these people down.