A disgraced doctor who collected ‘revolting’ pictures of babies being raped has walked free from court – despite being caught a SECOND time.
A raid at Michael Jones’ home in August 2022 uncovered a sickening stash of indecent images of children aged as young as only a few weeks old, as well as photographs showing men and women having sex with dogs, Liverpool Crown Court heard on Thursday (January 4).
The 44-year-old previously lost his career as a junior doctor when he was hauled before the court in 2008 for distributing indecent images of children, reports the Liverpool Echo.
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The court heard that Jones’ home was raided by the police on August 10, 2022, following online communications with undercover officers. Jones, of Longmeadow Road in Knowsley Village, was said to have unwittingly discussed an “intention to meet a child” in these messages, but was not charged with any criminal offences in relation to the chats.
But Andrew McInnes, prosecuting, described how a search of the address saw a number of electronic devices seized from his bedroom. These included an iPad which contained 19 category A indecent images of children, those showing the most serious forms of abuse, as well as 16 in category B and six in category C.
Some depicted “penetrative sexual activity with infants only weeks old”. A total of 318 extreme pornographic images, “involving males and females engaged in penetrative sexual activity with dogs”, were also found on the tablet computer.
Under interview, Jones claimed that his conversations with undercover police had been “fantasy and invention” and stated that his iPad did not have any illegal content. He was then quizzed for a second time after the device had been examined and “accepted that he had an issue with pornography” but denied having a sexual interest in children, instead saying that his “use of pornography increased during lockdown” and that he would “like assistance”
The pervert was previously convicted of 14 counts of distributing indecent images of children in October 2008. This saw Jones sentenced to 16 months in prison in January 2009 and ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for 10 years.
Martine Snowdon, defending, told the court that her client admits having an “obsession with pornography” and has sought the assistance of the Lucy Faithfull Foundation, a charity which works to prevent child sexual abuse. She added: “He is now a mature man who, absent in his life of whatever it is that drives him to use illegal imagery, is otherwise intelligent and would otherwise have had a promising future in his life.
“His life has never been what it could have been because of that. We are more than 12 years on from his release from that sentence in 2009 to his commencement of the commission of these offences.
“In that time, he was left to his own devices to try not to commit offences again. Perhaps part of the deterrent was just how traumatic his custodial experience was.
“It is something he very much recognises is a problem, and he wants to have help. He has taken some considerable steps to do that himself.
“He readily accepts he has an unhealthy addiction to pornography and has used that in times of need. The need was the combination of lockdown and the sudden, tragic loss of his father.
“He found himself back in the dark, isolated world where boundaries are blurred, and he crossed them. He never wants to do that again.”
Jones pleaded guilty to possession of indecent images, three charges of making indecent images and possession of extreme pornographic images. He was handed a 12-month imprisonment suspended for two years.
Sentencing, Recorder David Knifton KC said: “There can be no doubt that the children depicted in these images have suffered enormous harm, which individuals like you undoubtedly contributed to. There is understandable public revulsion towards those who commit such offences.
“I note that you had been working as a junior doctor at the time of your previous conviction. As a result of that conviction, you lost that career and have since struggled to find stable employment.
“There followed a length period when you committed no offences but in 2021, following the tragic death of your father, you became a carer to your mother, who is in poor health. You spent significant time viewing pornography on the internet and engaged in sexualised chats with other adult males.
“You deny a sexual interest in children, but claim to have been aroused by other males discussing having sex with children. You express shame and regret for your actions. To your credit, you have accessed support. I am unable to accept the suggestion that you are not sexually attracted to children.
“Your behaviour demonstrates a pattern of sexual offending over a significant period. The content of the chats included graphic descriptions by you of expressing a liking for young children.
“Particularly concerning is the suggestion during one chat that you wanted to meet a child for sexual purposes. On the one hand, you undoubtedly present a risk to the public and your continued denial of your sexual interest in children causes me real concern as to the prospect of successfully addressing your behaviour.
“On the other hand, it is the view of the Probation Service that there is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation and I also note that immediate custody would result in an impact on your elderly mother. With some hesitation, I am just persuaded that it would be appropriate to suspend this sentence.
“You should be in no doubt whatsoever that you have escaped immediate custody today by the skin of your teeth. Should there be any repetition, there will only be on sense that can be imposed upon you and that is likely to be a length sentence.”
Jones was also given a 24-day programme requirement, a rehabilitation activity requirement of up to 30 days and 200 hours of unpaid work. He was subjected to a notification requirement and a sexual harm prevention order, both lasting 10 years.