Leading doctors are sounding the alarm about a concerning rise in abdominal cancers among younger individuals, with notable increases seen in under-45s. The Telegraph has more.
Following the Princess of Wales’s announcement of her diagnosis on Friday, specialist clinicians have said that in recent years they have seen a significant increase in under-45s presenting with cancers typically seen in older patients.
Many are fit and outwardly healthy, prompting a scramble among scientists to establish what is causing the trend.
One study that looked at data from Northern Ireland between 1993 and 2019 found the rate of early-onset cancers increased by 20.5%, the equivalent of about 7,000 extra cases a year across the U.K.
These cancers include those that come under the umbrella term “abdominal”. …
Prof. Andrew Beggs, a consultant colorectal surgeon and a senior clinical fellow at the University of Birmingham, runs a clinic for cancer patients under the age of 45.
“When I started as a cancer surgeon 20 years ago, you rarely saw any younger patients, but now I see them regularly,” he said.
“When they turn up they are shocked, because often they haven’t had any symptoms and because of their age they are not thinking about cancer.” …
There is significant confusion among researchers as to what might be causing the trend, although most agree it is unlikely to be down to a single factor.
Worth reading in full.
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Absolute mystery. It’s almost as if they’d rolled out an untested, novel, experimental product to the masses. Oh, hang on…
The article mentions an increase between 1993 and 2019 so it can’t be anything to do with the covid jabs, although there may well of been a further increase since 2021.
Matt. Matt Matt. We see that. It’s their way of saying it without actually saying it.
Last night I learned of another acquaintance who has received a cancer diagnosis – of the throat.
He has a heart condition so cannot receive chemotherapy. Radiotherapy only.
Honestly I’ve lost count of the numbers of deaths and cancer diagnoses I have heard of amongst people I know.
O wonder what the cause is?
nothing to see here Hux move along ooh look another column on the Royal family, how lovely
same here – esophogal cancer. his sister has breast cancer now. so I asked them if the stabbies were the culprits…oh no she says…our doctor (quack) said that 1 in 4 people have cancer and that due to better screening they are finding them now….idiots abound
Agreed, hux, a COMPLETE mystery. It’s a mystery. A complete one. It could be ANYTHING causing it. We must go at the Speed of Science to establish the cause. Let’s lock society down to keep everyone safe while the experts figure it out.
Cheers M A k
It’s that elephant’s what’s doing it!
I’m up to 5 acquaintances now – all aggressive cancers over the last two years. Three dead; one terminal; one receiving treatment and may survive.
Prior to 2021 I only knew one person who had cancer – bowel, successfully treated.
confusion really! now what has happened in the last 3 years that billions were forced to take as an experimental emergency cure, for which big Pharma are freed by governments of all liability and from which Pharma has made billions.. Could that coincidental gene therapy have anything to do with the youth cancer explosion, youth heart conditions sudden deaths, strokes
Of course not because if Governments admitted then they would be turned out of their ivory towers and the Western world would be bankrupted.
no wonder we need migrants our governments have committed genocide on their own population
We are facing a slow burn genocide beyond question. Each year is going to get worse. When will the bloody sheep wake up?
What we’re missing in our lives, hux, is one of these bad boys. I knew China was all about the surveillance of their citizens but this is next level Big Brother! Maybe you get free entry onto the kidney transplant donor list….
Bloody hell Mogs. Yep, not about finding the unhealthy it’s about harvesting the super healthy.
Yes, but what puzzles me is the royals getting the real jab – I always assumed they got placebos. Is this a plot to kill off our royal family?!
The question is then – Are Chas & Kates Big C conditions real ? Which would mean they are fully Faucied ! Or are they just ill to a lesser extent & the Big C is being used to normalise the Turbo Cancer increase that is gaining general attention ! Let’s remember Charlie gave an inaugural WEF speech & Wills has employed Shergars toothy relative as his climate guru ! Which means anything is possible !!
4th footballer collapsed in the space of a week ( that we know of ). I guess being in peak physical condition and in the prime of your life is now bad for your health.
”Oh shit make it number 4 soccer player collapsing this week!
And this one died!”
Twenty four years old. The poor lad.
As ever, Matt Le Tissier is on the ball with this issue ( 4mins );
Well spotted again
Can you give Ivor Cummins – “How the World is Run”, his recent talk from Southampton a shout out , you have more clout on here than me + there is a new film by a guy Tucker had on the other day which needs a shout as well
I don’t know about “more clout”, Freddy. We’ve all got the same amount as one another on here. I’d just do a post about it, preferably with a link, in the morning under the Round-up. That way it’ll get more views. Anything Ivor does or recommends is always legit and worth a gander.
See my question to Hester above. Who knows what’s going on?
The comments in the DT are something to behold.
Well over 3,200 comments and I’d say over 80% are opening their eyes re the NHS, Bigpharma, and the MSM.
It’s only a question of time before the dam wall breaks.
The blue touch paper is well and truly alight.
I wonder if and when a big politician realises that being a conspiracy theorist might actually be a vote winner.
The real surprise is that the DT haven’t yet pulled it. Tut tut, much more of that and they’ll lose a chunk of funding.
Dam wall breaks – is that when the DT deletes the comments?
It appears that this “epidemic” has been increasing over the last 20 years and the most recent data is 2019. So it is clearly not due to Covid or any of the measures taken in response including vaccination.
No clown. Small pox, typhoid and other shots were mass enforced in the 19th c. Cancer rates shot up. From 1900-1950 they doubled. In the 60s the criminals began institutionaling jabs for the kids. Cancer rates have gone up every decade. So too has autism, encephala, dementia. Now mRNA is rolled out and a massive spike occurs directly after the stab program. And that is just the start. Cancer can take years to form.
My dad contracted colon cancer after the jibby jabby’s. I had 2 friends die of blastoma. I know of many others now with cancer. All ‘sudden’ onsets. They rationalise it by saying ‘better testing’ etc now. But they are stupid. Poisons cause cancer. Not a god damn mystery.
Even if it were true that a raft of unrelated vaccines caused cancer in some mysterious way – it is impossible that the Covid vaccines cause this “epidemic” because the epidemic happened before the vaccines – agreed?
I had the same thought, BUT, has the increase increased, as it were, since the covid jab?
I guess it is possible but there is nothing in the article to suggest it.
I can’t believe how many down votes you got for pointing out facts that were clearly laid out in the article.
Maybe there are lot of people on this forum who believe in retrocausality?
Well haven’t cancer diagnoses ( especially of the so-called ‘Turbo’ type ) been up for some time generally? It hasn’t just been bowel cancer specifically either. But I know that when there’s an increase in younger people then that’s a signal which is hard to cover up or explain away. The most frustrating thing with this, of course, as with all the other areas in which we’re seeing excess deaths ( inc miscarriage and stillbirths ), is that the death jab status of the person is not routinely recorded. So we’re going to be continuously fed the usual, ”correlation does not prove causation” crock, ad infinitum.
Just another example of a very experienced doctor speaking out about the ”hockey stick” increase in aggressive cancers he’s seeing in practice ( 2mins );
”In an episode aired on 11th March 2024, on the program Kolloquium on wikisana.ch [SOURCE], Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, a seasoned physician with 48 years of experience, shared his observations on the alarming rise in cancer cases. His insights offer a critical reflection on the current trends in health and disease management.
Dr. Klinghardt described the increase in cancer cases as the “hockey stick phenomenon,” a term that paints a vivid picture of the situation. Just like the shape of a hockey stick, cancer cases have been slowly rising over decades, only to see a dramatic and sudden spike in the last one and a half years. This sharp increase in cases is unprecedented and very similar to the trend of cancer drug sales that I am seeing from my industry sources.”
Medical professionals baffled, the only thing they know for sure is that it’s not the barely-tested gene therapies they willingly injected at £15 a pop
This is a baffling article. The sceptic sceptics say the figures are based on a study ending in 2019 yet the cancer surgeon is talking about what he is seeing now. And the cancer surgeon also says they often have no symptoms. Why have they gone to the doctor’s then?
It is clear from the Telegraph comments section on this article, that the readers understand there is an elephant in the room that cannot be named.
Quite a neat way of the DT ensuring that the information gets out there. Don’t mention the massive elephant in the article ….. let the commentators do it for them.
Is there a Pulitzer prize for the best ‘Hear no evil, see no evil’ journalism?
The more people are sick, the more money pharma companies make. The drugs produced for treatment are, of course, ‘newly developed’ and under patent, therefore expensive. (God forbid that the cure for a disease should turn out to be something out of patent, commonplace or cheap, like ivermectin, I mean, where’s the profit in that?) We are commodities, pure and simple.
“We are commodities, pure and simple.”
That nails it.
What happened to the comments on this Telegraph article?
I returned to it after a busy few hours and they had been removed – there were over 3000 at 9.30 am.
Frustrating, no comments allowed on the DT article. The Mail ran a similar editorial today.