(LifeSiteNews) — A 63-year-old previously healthy Michigan man developed a seven-centimeter tumorous growth after receiving Johnson & Johnson/Janssen’s shot against COVID-19, which caused him to go into respiratory failure and life-threatening cardiogenic shock where his heart was unable to pump enough blood to his vital organs.
One day after receiving the J&J shot, the man developed “intractable nausea,” vomiting, shortness of breath, watery diarrhea, chills, sweats, and heavy chest pain, though he had no symptoms prior to getting the COVID vaccine and no significant past medical history, according to a recently published case report titled “Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccination Triggering Pheochromocytoma Multisystem Crisis.”
At St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital in Pontiac, the man had persistent high fevers, respiratory failure, low blood flow, and cardiomyopathy — a disease of the heart muscle.
A nearly three-inch noncancerous mass was detected by ultrasound in his right adrenal gland (which sits atop the kidney), and tests confirmed a diagnosis of a pheochromocytoma — a rare type of noncancerous tumor that releases hormones which may, according to the Mayo Clinic, cause high blood pressure, headache, sweating and symptoms of a panic attack, and may lead to severe or life-threatening damage to other body systems if not surgically removed.
Thousands of reports
Thousands of similar cases have been reported. VigiAccess, a World Health Organization database that collects COVID-19 vaccine side-effects currently reports 3,709 cases of “neoplasms” or new tumors which include breast, lung and brain cancers plus numerous noncancerous growths following COVID vaccination.
The Yellow Card adverse event reporting system in the United Kingdom has recorded indexed 731 reports of neoplasms (including 454 related to the U.K.-made AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, and 248 related to the Pfizer/BioNTech shot).
‘Elephant in the room’
These reports offer no description of events, but the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) contains hundreds of more detailed reports describing sudden appearances of brain tumors, breast cancer, mouth tumors, skin tumors and colon cancerafter COVID shots.
There are accounts of tumor markers increasing, previously innocuous cancer abruptly worsening and cases where the patient rapidly deteriorated and died. Doctors describe tumors “exploding” and rapidly increasing in size after COVID vaccination and of disease being suddenly aggravated. There are accounts of vaccination compromised the immune system tumors ulcerating and new symptoms appearing, or unexpected metastasis of old cancers. Cancer patients describe how “everything went downhill” after the shots, and doctors speculate if the vaccination compromised the immune system so cancer could lead to such rapid demise. In one report of woman’s precipitous decline with cancer, a doctor remarked that “the elephant in the room was the vaccine.”
A sampling of VAERS reports related to vaccination against COVID includes:
- A 21-year-old Floridian who developed night sweats, coughing, and fevers after he received the second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination and was diagnosed with acute leukemia.
- A 26-year-old woman didn’t show up for a night shift, four days after getting Pfizer’s shot in March. Her family found her in cardiopulmonary arrest. An autopsy showed evidence of bleeding in the brain and “suspicion of a brain tumor,” according to the doctor who filed the VAERS report.
- A 60-year-old Pennsylvania man noticed two lumps grow on his neck on the day he received a first dose of Pfizer’s experimental vaccine in May. After a second shot, he was hospitalized the next day with plunging hemoglobin levels and was eventually diagnosed with lymphoma after a brain tumor was discovered. By July, seven tumors were discovered in his brain, one in his right eye, and “numerous” throughout his body. He died August 19.
- A 46-year-old California man began to experience symptoms on the day he received his second dose of Moderna’s shot and he was diagnosed with an aggressive Glioblastoma (brain tumor) shortly afterwards.
- A 22-year-old who got Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots in May and June was diagnosed with testicular cancer in early September.
- A 29-year-old student described as a “picture of health and fitness” who didn’t want a COVID-19 vaccine but was “bullied, threatened and coerced into getting it” to attend school. She received Johnson & Johnson’s shot on April 30 and experienced rapid onset of fatigue, body aches, muscle pain, erratic heart rate, bruising, chest pain and difficulty breathing within 24 hours of the injection and was subsequently diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor, new onset murmur, a thyroid condition and she stopped menstruating for five months.
- A 27-year-old with a history of ovarian cancer became ill within 24 hours of taking a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot. She developed a sharp pain in her shoulder, bloating and frequent urination; scans revealed a 13-centimeter tumor in her left ovary requiring emergency surgery. According to the VAERS report: “Patient stated she does not believe the vaccine gave her cancer but she does believe it affected her hormones, specifically estrogen, which caused the tumor to grow at an exponential rate … Please look into the hormonal changes from this vaccine. I’m not the only person who has noticed this.”
- “My father deteriorated rapidly, and died on 3/18/21. The day he got the shot just prior, he was hauling wood, shoveling snow and living a normal life feeling good,” reported the daughter of a 70-year-old Michigan man whose liver cancer had been “stable for a year … The day after the shot he could barely get out of bed he was so weak, until he finally died 16 days later.”
- A 61-year-old Texas man developed shortness of breath following a Moderna shot. He was diagnosed with pericarditis. During a surgery to determine the source of internal bleeding, “the surgeon noted a mass that appeared to look like a fungus on the heart,” according to the VAERS report. The patient’s wife remarked, “The doctors are finding this very unusual. My husband was very healthy prior to this with no symptoms. Could this be caused by the vaccine?”
- A 35-year-old pregnant woman vaccinated with a second dose of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA COVID-19 shot on March 6, delivered a stillborn baby in her 33rd week of pregnancy on June 12. The baby was malformed with an enlarged head and genetic testing revealed it had the rare genetic syndrome called PTEN Hamartoma tumor syndrome which predisposes to multiple cancers.
‘No further information’
Remarkably, most of these cases conclude with the statements, “No follow-up attempts are possible,” or, “No further information is expected.” For most, there is no investigation, including autopsy. In the exceptional case where an autopsy is performed, the relationship to the vaccine frequently “cannot be evaluated.”
A few doctors have spoken out about the spikes in cancer they have seen. “Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20-times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” pathologist and immunologist/virologist Ryan Cole told Health Freedom Idaho. “I’m not exaggerating at all because I look at my numbers year over year, and I’m like ‘Gosh, I’ve never seen this many endometrial cancers before.’” Cole said he’s seeing invasive melanomas in young people “skyrocketing.”
“I’ve seen three people who developed pancreatic cancers within weeks of vaccines,” a doctor in an American college town who wishes to remain anonymous told LifeSiteNews. He has also seen a case of prostate cancer that rapidly became aggressive and a breast cancer that suddenly became so big it filled a quarter of a woman’s chest wall. “They’re so aggressive, they’re untreatable,” he said. “I might recall one case like this, these are once in a blue moon events,” but he added that he has heard other doctors speak of seeing similar cases recently, as well.
Possible mechanism
Mechanisms underpinning vaccine-induced malignancies are unknown, but not implausible.
“We are modifying the immune system to a weakened state,” Cole said in his interview with Health Freedom Idaho, citing unpublished research that showed that Pfizer’s vaccine had the unintended effect of modulating the immune system to promote inflammatory molecules.
“The mechanisms of reported data on covid-19 vaccines associated with diagnosis of rapid tumor or cancer growth are likely similar to the observations we reported in 1980’s,” former program director at the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, molecular biologist and immunologist Mahin Khatami, referring to studies where an antigen (a foreign element that is capable of stimulating the immune system to potentially cause synthesis of specific antibodies) was mixed with tumor promoting agents (TPAs) shifted the growth of tumors to earlier time-frames (within 6 months, instead of 12 to 30 months).
“These studies suggested enhanced activation of kinases [enzymes] and related growth promoting mediators in rapid induction of tumor growth,” Khatami, author of Inflammation, Aging and Cancer told LifeSite News. .
Khatami added that in her opinion, “COVID vaccines could further promote chronic (unresolved) inflammation” that could set of a cascade of biological activities promoting tissue growth. “Covid vaccines could induce exacerbation of expression of growth-promoting cytokines that shift the time-frame of slow tissue growth to rapidly induce benign tumors or cancer metastasis.”
No studies
There are no studies of the carcinogenicity of COVID vaccines, just as most childhood vaccines have no studies of their effects on cancer. Each of the mRNA vaccine trials were ended abruptly with six months’ worth of data and the “placebo” group was given the vaccine as well — so any long-term effects like cancers will be impossible to detect since there is no control group to study.
Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson& Johnson did not reply to questions about the reported incidents of tumors following their shots, and they provided no data on animal or human trials demonstrating their new vaccines do not induce tumor growth or affect cancers.
While reports to VAERS do not confirm a link between a vaccine and an event that follows, a Harvard-Pilgrim study found that only one percent of conditions that should have been, were in fact reported to VAERS, meaning the vast majority of cases went unreported.
Editor’s note: This article has been updated with comments from Ryan Cole and Mahin Khatami.