Adora Nwofor, 47, faces one count of mischief and one count of assault after a physical altercation broke out near Western Canada High School last month.
Another prominent ‘anti-racism’ activist from Calgary faces two charges from a May 17 protest, including one count of assault.
Adora Nwofor, 47, also faces one count of mischief after a physical altercation broke out near Western Canada High School last month. She serves as president of Calgary’s Black Lives Matter chapter.
Officers deployed to maintain the peace on scene estimated a crowd of nearly 80 people in attendance to support and oppose ‘radical gender ideology.’
Calgary police confirmed a fight between “several individuals of opposing views,” resulting in a physical altercation where several assaulted one youth and one man. They have assigned “hate motivation” as a contributing factor to the incident.
According to Rebel exclusive footage from the altercation, Nwofor appeared to lay her hands on Josh Alexander, 17, repeatedly but did not shove him. Several people swarmed him on a public sidewalk in front of the high school at the time, including Taylor McNallie, 32.
McNallie also faces two counts of assault, one count of sexual assault and one count of unlawful confinement for shoving Alexander repeatedly and allegedly putting her hand down his pants.
Nwofor and several others also appeared to prevent the student activist from walking through the crowd. Another activist held up a Pride flag as Alexander tried to leave the area.
“The two charges make perfect sense upon review of the video evidence,” said Alexander’s legal counsel, James Kitchen, also the Chief Litigator at the Liberty Coalition of Canada (LCC).
Kitchen told Rebel News he was ultimately “surprised” these charges were even laid against Nwofor, adding “they go to the heart of the problem” of today’s violent activism.
Though Nwofor had a hate-crime change dropped from a separate incident at another Calgary high school this month, Kitchen remained optimistic the charges would not be dropped.
He said two factors determine when a Crown Prosecutor pursues charges: a reasonable chance of conviction and it is in the public’s best interest.
After several minutes, local law enforcement separated the opposing groups to cease the altercation and increase the distance between them. No other alleged assaults occurred during the event, according to a Calgary police statement.
However, Rebel footage revealed that law enforcement detained Alexander and escorted him to the back of a nearby police cruiser. According to his lawyer, police demanded he leave the area.
“While peacefully exercising his Charter rights on public property, he was assaulted. Instead of restraining those committing criminal offences, Calgary police seized Josh and demanded he leaves the area,” said Kitchen.
“I was handcuffed and put in a paddy wagon for offering students Bibles on a public sidewalk in Calgary,” said Alexander following his controversial detainment. “I continued handing out bibles, for I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.”
“Police told me they would arrest Josh and charge him with a criminal offence [of breaching the peace],” said Kitchen.
Believing this threat to be unlawful, Alexander and Kitchen decided he would continue his protest. “He did, without further police interference,” confirmed the LCC Chief Litigator, who said his client would “resolutely resist tyrants and the selective policing they rely on.”
In a previous release, Calgary police said they recognize the Charter rights of everyone to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
“Our overall objective is to work with all parties to ensure public and officer safety and to maintain orderly conduct and peace. In all situations, our enforcement efforts target behaviour, not beliefs,” they wrote in a statement.
Nwofor will appear in court on July 27 and McNallie on July 7 — the investigation into the charges against them remains ongoing.