“On December 13, 2017, the day Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, Trudeau had both the Lobbying Commissioner and the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner removed, and appointed new ones.”
“At the time of the targeted murders, the RCMP were conducting a criminal investigation of Barry and Honey Sherman’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser for 2015 election candidate Justin Trudeau.”
What a fascinating bit of information. CAP cannot recall even one Canadian media article which referenced the ominous “coincidence” at hand. Isn’t it rather unusual that our prime minister fired the head of the federal government lobbying commission on the same day the Shermans were murdered?
Was there something that Trudeau and his handlers desperately wanted to hide from the people of Canada?
“A conviction for violating the Canada Elections Act Section 502(2) (h.01) meant Justin Trudeau would lose his seat in the House of Commons for accepting prohibited gift or other advantage.”
Stop the Press. Actually, the press never started in the first place. What we have here is what legal authorities refer to as a “motive.” Was it potential chain reaction time in Canada? Do these details tell us that if Apotex pharma mogul Barry Sherman was convicted, it would follow that Justin Trudeau would lose his seat in Parliament?
On this basis, did potential exist for Trudeau to be removed as prime minister? What greater motivation could exist for the “disappearance” of Barry and Honey Sherman?
Something smells awfully rotten in Liberal la-la land. Being a federally-financed subset of government, media never dug deep enough to reveal such sordid developments.
“The Apotex lawsuit posed a serious threat to Justin Trudeau’s political career. If Apotex was successful the lawsuit would have provided compelling evidence that Justin Trudeau had violated the Canada Elections Act.”
477.9 (1) No candidate shall accept any gift or other advantage that might reasonably be seen to have been given to influence them in the performance of their duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if the candidate were to be elected, during the period that
(a) begins on the day on which they are deemed to have become a candidate.
CAP reiterate: On the very day the Shermans were murdered, the PMO made a decision to fire the head of the Sherman investigation.
Could these nefarious dealings suggest government involvement in the elimination of Trudeau fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman? One thing’s for sure– in just under five years since the deaths, no other explanation has risen to the surface.
Despite hundreds of police officers being assigned to the case, not a single suspect has been uncovered. In 2022, the death of Barry Sherman is something government and media want Canadians to forget about.
CAP can see why. In addition to a related conclusion: some people must really, really want Justin Trudeau to remain prime minister. Tasked with a re-invention of Canadian society from democracy to an authoritarian state, shape-shifting global power players fueling the Woke revolutionary campaigns of Justin Trudeau will do anything to keep their puppet in position.
“The Canada Elections Act provided the primary motive for the targeted double homicides of Toronto billionaires Barry and Honey Sherman. Events prior and post the targeted murders leads to the conclusion that the homicides were politically motivated.”
Is this why the murder of Barry and Honey Sherman remains unsolved to this day? Upon which CAP pull out our proverbial crystal ball:
This case will never be solved. Pourquoi? Because it plays an essential role in the preservation of Canada’s post-modern dictator, Justin Trudeau.