As an author and editor, I have always lived by a principle of medical publication that the conclusions must be supported by the data presented. Many have asked me why do doctors still support COVID-19 vaccination with all safety data systems reporting record mortality after injection—many cases occurring on the same day or in the next few days after administration? The reason may be what doctors are concluding from the data in peer-reviewed manuscripts does not match the information disclosed.
Villa-Zapata and coworkers published a report from VAERS on the “safety” of COVID-19 vaccination in children age 5 to 17 and in the data table, there are 56 deaths! Also listed are other potentially fatal complications such as anaphylaxis and myocarditis. The authors concluded that COVID-19 vaccination in children is “relatively safe.”

Any person reading this report should be shocked and appalled by news of 56 children losing their lives after COVID-19 vaccination. The vast majority of reports to VAERS are made by doctors and health care providers who believe the vaccine was the cause of the problem reported.
The CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] generates a temporary number followed by a permanent VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] number when the event is confirmed (e.g., fatal events confirmed by death certificate or national death index). VAERS cases represent the tip of the iceberg and grossly under-represent reality. This means the number of childhood deaths could be 30-fold greater—or 1680 for 2021.
In summary, the COVID-19 pandemic has taught clinical scholars to ignore the written conclusions by authors who may have conflicts of interest. They may have taken COVID-19 vaccines themselves and cannot psychologically recognize what is happening with catastrophic safety outcomes in the populations studied.
The data must be evaluated independently and it is up to the reader to draw his or her own inferences. My conclusion is that COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe for human use and one child lost after injection is one too many. They must be pulled off the market.