MOTHERS to be or not to be: that is the question for those responsible for pushing potentially harmful Covid vaccines on pregnant women. In the UK, Yellow Card reports include almost a thousand miscarriages and stillbirths, while official statistics in several countries show a reduction in births and rising infant mortality rate. What is going on?
Recently surgeon Tony Hinton was permanently banned from Twitter for ‘spreading misinformation’. Having passed a sign outside a sauna stating that it should not be used by pregnant women, Hinton mused on how alcohol, shellfish, soft cheese and some medicines should be avoided during pregnancy, yet experimental mRNA injections are promoted. That was enough for this clinical expert to be censured (see his interview with Sonia Poulton, 23 minutes in.)
After initially denying any possibility of causation when countless women complained of menstrual changes after receiving the vaccine, medical authorities have now conceded that heavier bleeding is a likely side-effect. They may say it is not a cause for concern, but it is not trivial. If a woman wants to have a baby, any change to menstrual pattern, particularly to the lining of the uterus, is a concern. So let us look at the evidence: are vaccinated women of childbearing age in good reproductive health?
This is close to home for me. A near relative had a miscarriage last year, despite a prior scan showing a normally developing foetus. It would have been insensitive of me to ask whether she’d taken the vaccine, but on visiting her shortly afterwards I saw her Pfizer card, dated about three weeks before the misfortune. Happily, she went on to have a healthy baby after deferring the booster. Despite joining the dots, I doubt whether she submitted a Yellow Card. Women in distress at a lost baby might not even think of doing so, while their doctor and midwives may be wary of reporting a miscarriage possibly caused by a drug that they recommended. My guess is that Yellow Card recording of foetal deaths is considerably lower than the regulator’s 10 per cent estimate for other conditions.
Doctor Luke McLindon, head of fertility services at Mater Hospital in Brisbane, startlingly claimed that 74 per cent of pregnancies are ending in miscarriage (the normal rate is around 10-15 per cent). McLindon was running clinical trials on pregnant women, the majority of whom have received the Covid vaccine (largely due to the trumping of consent by coercion in Australia). According to social media accounts, McLindon was intending to release the data on public interest grounds, but was sacked by the hospital.
In the UK, funeral director John O’Looney has repeatedly drawn attention to the rising number of babies dying, leading to unusual orders for tiny coffins by NHS trusts. Official statistics suggest that he may be right. According to National Records Scotland, the mortality rate for children under one year old is at its highest level in ten years, with 3.9 deaths for every thousand live births in 2021, increasing from 3.1 the previous year.
Scotland had slightly more live births in 2021 than in the previous ‘plague’ year, but the total of 47,786 was still the second-lowest since records began, and there were 15,801 fewer births than deaths. Richard Ennos, retired University of Edinburgh professor, argues that these data provide very strong evidence for a causal relationship between the vaccinations and a huge number of excess deaths in the country. On July 12 he wrote to Siobhian Brown MSP, convener of the Scottish Covid-19 recovery committee, urging her to reopen a public inquiry into a worrying excess mortality: from week 21 to week 52 of 2021 the number of deaths was 12 per cent above average (the worst ever recorded).
A preliminary investigation by the Scottish government found that the increase was not due to Covid-19, but the possibility of a vaccine effect was not considered. Ennos explained that in the period of interest excess mortality had a temporally staggered pattern, approximately 12 weeks after peak vaccination in each age group, in line with the gradual expansion to younger adults and teenagers. The trend has continued in 2022, which Ennos attributes to the booster.
Germany is one of many countries having a fall in births since mass vaccination. Official data show 11 per cent fewer births in the first quarter of 2022 compared with the same period in 2021. The decline continued in April.
Observing an increase in foetal deaths and neonates since mass vaccination, American obstetrician James Thorp told the Epoch Times: ‘What I’ve seen in the last two years is unprecedented.’ Pfizer was aware of the risk to pregnant women before the rollout, yet governments and professional bodies targeted this group. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists ‘strongly recommends that pregnant individuals be vaccinated’, adding that full vaccination status is a ‘priority’.
Midwives and obstetricians must know that something is wrong, but they are failing to raise the alarm, probably due to fear of being ostracised, passed over for promotion or having research grant applications rejected. This amounts to compliance and collusion.
The lack of critical thinking and ethical prerogative is extremely troubling: can we trust doctors, nurses and midwives, or the NHS system, when such a strong indication of iatrogenic harm (illness caused by medical treatment) is ignored? Who is really running our healthcare – compassionate clinicians or Big Pharma and its government stooges?
Until the ninth version in the 1970s, the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases included vaccination as a category of cause of death. Since the smallpox vaccine was routinely administered in the nineteenth century, a small but persistent number of children have died soon after being injected. For decades the pharmaceutical industry has invested heavily in vaccines, a sure-selling mass product, and its influence over governments is so strong that it can absolve itself from liability, while funding regulatory bodies, medical researchers and the media. Now it controls so-called ‘fact-check’ websites that lead to a few courageous clinicians being silenced and suspended from their professional register.
A lie may run far, but eventually it will be overtaken by the truth.